10 Reasons To Leave Your Comfort Zone

10 reasons to leave your comfort zone

Many think that our comfort zone is made up of all the pleasant situations that surround us and bring joy to our lives. In truth it is not so. The comfort zone is made up of all the situations, both good and bad, to which we have become used  and which constitute our routine. This routine, even if we hate it, makes us avoid asking questions, thinking, making decisions.

This is the only comfort it offers us: moving with inertia. The comfort zone is like this bubble in which we hide so that everything goes on as before. And no matter how much we complain and it seems unbearable to us, we continue because we are afraid and because it has just become a habit.

The price is very high. In principle, not leaving the comfort zone means giving up life and growth. We just go on, vegetate as the years go by and our lives go on and on and impoverish. Here we give you ten good reasons to do something important for yourself: Get out of your comfort zone.

Life starts where your comfort zone ends.

1. You will discover possibilities that you have not known before

This is not a hollow phrase. It is really amazing what we can discover about ourselves when we dare to do something extraordinary.  When we choose to pursue a goal we never believed we could achieve. There are many abilities and skills in every person that are slumbering and waiting for a good moment to emerge.

In the routine, the law of least effort applies, because that is exactly what it is made for. Only extraordinary situations tease the best out of us. And then we discover that we can do a lot more than we thought.

2. You will become more flexible


If you reduce yourself to only one perspective, then you are not realizing many perspectives of reality, although these may be more advantageous or interesting. Leaving the comfort zone allows you to familiarize yourself with new forms of how you see yourself and your life.

This also makes you more flexible about what you value and how you live. In other words, you become more adaptable. And a greater ability to adapt is a prerequisite for the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

3. You deal more confidently with what you are

When you discover that you just lacked determination and that you are really able to do a lot more things than you believed, then trust in what you have in yourself also strengthens and you begin to do everything to implement what you were afraid of at the beginning.

The uncertainty feeds precisely because you don’t try. If you stop thinking and acting instead, sooner or later you will find that in reality you can go much further than you thought. And you will feel more appreciation for who you are.

4. You will remove many fears

The greatest fears arise from indecision and indolence. Fear creates its own vicious circle: if you are afraid, you don’t try anything and you stay where you are. And because you don’t try, fear continues to nestle and grow.

In most, if not all, cases, the very fact that one is trying to do something creates fear. But usually the fear disappears slowly the further you go. The only difficult thing is at the beginning: when you take the first step, you will notice how the great fear disappears into thin air.

5. You feel that your life is much more exciting

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Having the confidence to do something leaves a sense of adventure and challenge in your life. The daily routine has a very shallow sensitivity, in which everything is predictable and which is precisely why it is boring. Change awakens the world of emotions. Very pleasant feelings arise from experiences such as surprises, curiosity and the urge to discover things.

6. Your creativity and your intelligence will improve

Even the greatest intelligence wears out if it is not constantly stimulated. Intelligence is like a muscle that needs to be trained to function well. The routine requires minimal use of your intellectual abilities.

The same goes for creativity. Only new situations provoke new answers and new solutions. Leaving your comfort zone means giving your creativity and intelligence new ways to express yourself.

7. Your desire to live grows

When life ceases to be a repetition of itself it becomes much more interesting and worthy to be alive. When you feel more comfortable with yourself and you discover little by little that you can do a lot more than you thought, your appreciation for life will certainly also increase.

8. Your relationships with other people will improve

To have good relationships with others, you must first have a good relationship with yourself. If you are not satisfied with what you are or what you do, then you can find it difficult to appreciate the good in the people who surround you.

Leaving your comfort zone, discovering yourself, overcoming your fears, and feeling happier in your life are all things that will eventually lead to better relationships with others. You will notice how conflicts become less and you will be better able to see the good in everyone.

9. You live the here and now much more strongly

Experiencing the here and now is a sense of accomplishment. If our strength, attention and enthusiasm are focused on the present moment, then this moment is a time of self-realization. Leaving the comfort zone leaves no room for all the things that do not let you perceive the present. You need all your attention and all your effort to deal with this new situation that is unfolding before you.


10. You become more independent

As your self-confidence in your own abilities increases, you will find that you now need others in a different way. They are a wonderful addition to who you are, neither your walking stick nor your shelter. Being independent once again strengthens the security of who you are and lets you feel the value of freedom.

Images courtesy of Anne Soline, Art Graphics y Kim Ji-Hyuck

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