4 Asanas For Good Sleep

4 asanas for a good night's sleep

Insomnia is one of the problems that affects the Western population the most. Due to factors such as stress, poor diet, and an unhealthy lifestyle , many people find it difficult to get as much or as deep sleep as they need. This not only results in everyday complaints, but also has negative consequences for physical and mental health.

Recently, many kinds of remedies have come on the market that promise to solve the problem of insomnia. So we can come across from recommendations for consuming tea before bed to medications that supposedly remedy the lack of sleep in an instant. However, one of the strategies that has proven to be most effective is yoga for a good night’s sleep.

What is an asana?

Asanas are positions of yoga that have a very beneficial effect on the body and mind. Each asana has its own effects on the body and not all are equally effective in the face of a particular problem.

Yoga has been practiced in eastern countries for thousands of years and has recently been gaining popularity in our country too. In theory, it combines the benefits of meditation with those of physical exercise and therefore it can be a very powerful ally against insomnia.

The corresponding yoga postures are characterized by slow and calm movements. Because of this, and because it is necessary to focus your attention entirely on your body , exercises are very relaxing. Here are some of the best asanas for getting a good night’s sleep.

Asanas for good sleep

The best asanas for a good night’s sleep

According to the experts , the most suitable yoga postures to combat insomnia are the following:

  • Variation of light posture or sukhasana
  • Forward flexion of the foot or utana
  • Legs on the wall or Viparita Karani
  • Alternating breathing or Nadi Shodhana

Let’s look at these asanas in detail.

1. Variation of light posture

As the name suggests, Sukhasana is one of the most accessible asanas for beginners. If you have never practiced this discipline but want to combat your insomnia, it is highly recommended that you start practicing this posture.

The procedure is very simple: sit cross-legged (in the position we all associate with yoga) on a mat and lean your core forward. The idea is to stretch your arms and back as much as possible; if you are flexible and flexible, you should be able to touch the ground with your forehead.

This posture is very useful because it eases tension in the whole body, opens the hips, creating a sense of wellbeing that will help you fall asleep faster.

2. Forward flexion of the foot

The second of the asanas for good sleep is also very easy to do. Stand up, place your feet hip-width apart and straighten them. In this position, lean forward and try to touch the floor with your palms. One particular challenge might be getting your palms completely on the floor.

Not only does this posture help with insomnia, but it can also combat other problems such as stress or headaches. In addition, it will also help improve your range of motion and muscle tone in your legs.


3. Legs on the wall

This asana is suitable for beginners and requires the help of a wall to perform. However, the advantages are very interesting: thanks to the inverted posture, the blood can circulate more easily. This will relieve the symptoms of stress and help you fall asleep if you hold the position for at least five minutes.

The Viparita Karanies is very easy to implement. Simply lie down with your back on the floor so that your bottom and your straight legs can rest against the wall. To better keep your balance, you can stretch your arms out to the sides of your body.

4. Alternating breathing

The last of the asanas for good sleep uses one of the most effective breathing exercises to combat insomnia. This is alternating breathing, in which air is inhaled through one hole in the nose while the other nostril is closed. The whole thing is repeated, switching sides.

This breathing exercise can be done while sitting or lying down. Either way, if you do it right, you will find your body relax very quickly.

Woman with closed eyes practices alternating breathing

Yoga encompasses many useful techniques to combat all kinds of mental and physical problems. These good sleep asanas are particularly effective at treating insomnia, so they are highly recommended if you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

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