4 Tips To Leave Anger Behind

4 tips for leaving anger behind

The Buddha is credited with saying, “Holding onto anger is like reaching for a hot coal and throwing it at someone; you’re the one who burns your hand. ”   If you look at this quote, it seems like the right attitude to avoid anger.

However, we must remember that we have a right to be angry. Those little moments when everything seems to go wrong and we are forced to let our indignation and anger run free are part of our lives. Anger can be useful.

What is not useful is to lapse into permanent anger, anger, or rage. When the initial anger is gone, the best thing to do is move on, as complicated as that may seem.

Get over anger

For many people, the task of overcoming such feelings can seem very difficult. There are scientific studies that recommend a number of exercises and habits that can be very helpful for these people.

Among all these studies is, for example, that carried out by Dr. Charles Spielberger from the University of South Florida and Jerry Deffenbacher from the University of Colorado (Florida and Colorado, USA). Both are psychologists and members of the American Psychology Association who specialize in anger management.


Spielberger and Deffenbacher defend anger as a normal and healthy human emotion. There is no specific reason why an angry person should be considered strange or abnormal. This emotion only becomes a problem when we lose control of it. At that moment it becomes destructive and affects the quality of human life.

Describe anger

Dr. Charles Spielberger defines anger as an emotional state, the intensity of which ranges from mild irritation to rage and anger. At the same time as this feeling occurs, a number of biological and psychological changes always occur : During a fit of anger, the heart rate and blood pressure increase. We also experience an increase in the levels of stress hormones, namely norepinephrine and adrenaline.

Therefore , maintaining excessively high levels of anger has negative consequences for the body – both in the medium term and in the long term. That is why it is important to learn how to use it.

Strategies for getting over anger

To keep anger from becoming chronic, psychologists offer a number of strategies that can be useful for all types of people.


Many problems are part of our human existence and are therefore inevitable. We must therefore adopt the best possible attitude in order to leave behind the anger generated by the various situations we face. To do this, doctors recommend focusing on methods that allow you to face problems calmly and objectively.

People won’t have time for you if you’re always pissed off and complaining.

Stephen Hawking


Improve communication

Many of the problems we have in life arise from hasty, imprecise communication, which is not infrequently triggered by negative emotions. It is better not to say the first thing that comes to mind. Psychologists advise active listening, relaxing before answering, and thinking about anything before it leaves our lips. It’s a bit more involved, but it’s always better than going on the defensive and retaliatory attacks that will only make the situation worse.

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of understanding.

Mahatma Gandhi

Never lose our sense of humor

The scientists describe the use of humor as a way to overcome anger. However, this should not be limited to laughing at the situation or being ironic. Spielberger and Deffenbacher advise an active sense of humor.

But if you want to offend someone, it is better to be quiet and imagine things. Visualize them and laugh at the situation. This method will help you alleviate your negative emotions.


Changes in the environment

Finally , psychologists also say that our surroundings affect our mood. If your surroundings irritate you and are a constant source of annoyance, then it may be better to look for more relaxing spots on earth.

So there is no reason not to be able to cope with anger. We just need the right resources, and now you have some very powerful ones. As you are still contemplating their use, you should also remember that your mental and physical health will depend on how you deal with this strong emotion.

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