7 Helpful Topics Of Conversation For Every Situation

7 helpful conversation topics for every situation

Conversation is our most important tool for getting to know other people. And it also gives others the opportunity to get to know us. Many say that conducting a conversation is an art. You’re right because not everyone knows how to make an interesting conversation. In fact, some people don’t even know how to choose helpful topics to talk about.

Nowadays this happens more often, as the personal encounter now takes place less often and when it does, it often appears artificial. A good conversation should pick up on topics that arouse the interest of both. There is nothing more boring than talking to someone whose only intention is to get on top of something. This is also true if someone is only interested in convincing the other person that they are wrong about their opinion. For an interesting conversation, both should have the opportunity to listen and speak.

There are topics of conversation with which it is always possible to start a good conversation. They all revolve around topics that interest most people. They are topics that everyone has something to say about. They are little aids that make interaction between people easier. They also create a trusting atmosphere. Here are seven suggestions for helpful topics to talk about.

“A good conversation should exhaust the topic, not the speakers.”

Winston Churchill

1. Childhood

Having a conversation about childhood is not only entertaining, but it also allows you to delve deeper into the other person’s life. Childhood is a phase that shapes people for their lives. No matter how difficult or bad it may have been, there are always wonderful and touching stories you want to share about your childhood.

Children eat cotton candy

Ideally, the conversation should focus on childhood anecdotes. We all have something to say about our first years at school. About our first friends, the games we loved to play, and the people we admired. As well as situations where we’ve been caught red-handed. The ones we got away with because nobody discovered us … There’s a lot to tell!

2. Travel anecdotes

Even if the other person hardly ever leaves the house, there are still one or more trips they can remember – even if they only took them to the next town. Travel is always a journey into the unknown. They guarantee discoveries and surprises and impart knowledge. And that’s why this topic also allows you to get to know people better. What they say gives you clues about how they think about changes, other cultures and worldviews.

Talking about travel isn’t just fun, it offers another opportunity: It’s not just about sharing experiences. We can share information that may be useful to others.

3. Movies and books

Movies are another of those topics of conversation that no one has a hard time expressing an opinion on. You don’t have to be a cineast to talk about movies. We’ve all seen a movie at one point or another that touched us and made us smile or cry. Maybe even one who showed us a truth and thereby helped us in our lives. The cinema is a meeting point – and the starting point for many friendships.

Couple dancing outdoors

It is of course possible to have a conversation over the television. There have been so many series shown in recent years that it has attracted a huge number of followers. There are soap operas, crime novels or documentaries that have a large audience. Every good program has items to talk about and discuss. This means that very interesting conversations can take place.

4. Music

Who doesn’t like music? Music is an art that accompanies us from the beginning. We can find them in all cultures and periods of time. It is a universal language that encompasses every social level, ethnicity, religion and ideology. Two people can think very differently in many respects, but at the same time agree perfectly with regard to their musical tastes.

If you want to have a pleasant conversation, you don’t have to delve too deeply into musical genres, interpretations, and technical terms. Music brings us together when everyone is free to express their tastes and preferences. We can talk about what the music arouses in us, or tell each other stories about the important role it played in our lives at a given point in time.

5. (Domestic) animals

Humans have lived with pets for thousands of years. Some people like parrots, others like fish, and many love dogs and cats. They become part of our lives, our families and win our affection.

Cat at the window

At the same time, we have all read or heard stories about animals. We are fascinated by their behavior and their way of life. We are interested in learning more about them, mostly so that we can compare them with us. Talking about animals will always lead to a happy conversation.

Conversations also give us an idea of ​​the relationship our counterparts have with other living beings.

6. Eating and drinking

The food we like and dislike is usually a very entertaining topic of conversation. For example, you could explain why you like mushrooms seared in butter, but find good reasons why you don’t eat spinach. It might seem mundane, but the truth is that it is something that most people touch.

It is interesting to share experiences about exotic foods that we have tried at some point in our lives. We can also tell anecdotes related to food, for example about this situation where you were offered something strange and you didn’t even know how to eat it. Or when you tried something delicious and then found out it was something disgusting. When it comes to food and drink, everyone has something to say.

7. Sports and hobbies

There is probably not a single person in the world who does not have a hobby. We all have free time. And we spend our time doing something we like. Some people do this more consciously than others. But in truth we all like to pursue one or the other “free” activity. It doesn’t matter if you take care of plants, watch TV, or look out the window.

Person who jogs

For most people, having a favorite sport is normal. It doesn’t matter whether you follow it or are just a spectator. Since the sport usually takes place in competition, some conversations can become explosive. Therefore, be tactful about this issue.

After all, all of these points are helpful conversations and excuses that allow us to get to know others. At the same time, they allow them to get to know us. It is always worth listening to others. People add a lot to your life by spending their time sharing things with you. It is also worth the effort to talk to others about what interests you. No conversation is meaningless as it connects you in one way or another with the world and with others.

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