The Legend Of The Origin Of Feelings

The legend of the origin of feelings

It is not certain how the legend of the origin of feelings   came about. For reasons unknown, this story is attributed to Mario Benedetti, but in reality it was not written by him at all. Some aspects come from an adapted version of a story by Jorge Bucay, or by Mariano Osorio.

Anyway, what we do know is that it came into circulation about three decades ago under the name The Hide and Seek of Love and Madness  . However, over time, this story became a legend of the origin of feelings .

“The crazy open up the ways that the wise will follow later.”

Carlo Dossi

This is a story that takes us to a fantastic moment where the various emotions have yet to be found. We are referring to something moving and human, namely to the origin of feelings.

The origin of feelings

The legend tells of the origin of the feelings that were developed in different parts of the world through various virtues and vices of the people. The boredom, which had always been very bored, began to yawn and infected the others with their laziness. In order for this not to happen, the madness suggested that they do something funny. “Let’s play hide and seek!” , she said. 

Picture of a fairy

The intrigue was immediately interested in the matter and curiosity immediately asked: “ How does this game of hide and seek work? “Wisdom explained that this was a form of entertainment. It is only necessary that one of them cover his face and count up to a million while the others hide. The one who counted would then have to go out and find the others.

Immediately the enthusiasm and euphoria began to jump around wildly. They loved the idea of ​​this game. They spread so much positivity that eventually even doubt said he’d like to play. And also the apathy, which was always cautious, expressed the intention to participate in the game. This is how this game began, which is the origin of feelings.

And the game begins

The madness that was mad as always offered to count first. And so she began : “One, two, three…”   The truth did not want to play along because she saw no point in the game. After all, sooner or later they would find the others anyway. The arrogance said that she thought the game was very stupid and therefore did not want to participate. What really bothered her was that the madness had suggested the game, and not herself.

The laziness ran to hide but quickly grew tired. So she hid behind the first stone she saw. Triumph was as industrious as ever, choosing the tallest tree it could find to climb up and hide in the crown. Behind him ran envy, who used the great shadow of triumph to hide beneath it.

Woman with clouds on her head

Belief now ran away and soon began to fly. To everyone’s astonishment, he climbed high into the sky and hid in the clouds. Nobody could believe it, only belief was able to achieve such things. Generosity, on the other hand, was very concerned about those who could not find a place to hide. So she helped one after the other, so that there was almost no time left to look for a hiding place for herself. Egoism, on the other hand, found a wonderful hiding place in a cave, but surrounded the entrance to this with many thorns, so that no one else could share this hiding place with him.

The surprising ending to the game

The madness was excited. She counted and counted until she finally got to a million. Then she opened her eyes and started looking for her friends. The first one she found was the laziness just three steps away from her. After that, she found the passion and desire that were both hidden in the depths of the volcanoes.

Then she found the lie. It was so false it made her believe she was hiding underwater, but in reality she was in the middle of a rainbow. Madness also found a trace of oblivion, but eventually it forgot where it was leading and left that task for later.

Blindfolded child

The only one who couldn’t hide was love. As the madness approached her, she barely had time to hide behind a few bushes. The madness was not stupid and thought to itself: ” Love is certainly so cheesy that it will hide in the middle of the rose bushes.”   However, since the roses have sharp thorns, madness took a fork of a branch and used it to look in the bush. Suddenly you heard a scream filled with pain. The madness had hurt the eyes of love.

The madness didn’t know what to do anymore. The only thing that crossed her mind was kneeling down and asking for forgiveness. She also offered to become the guide of love forever, since she had destroyed her eyes. Since then, love has been blind and madness is her constant companion.

This is where the legend about the origin of feelings ends ; a legend that gives our feelings qualities that determine our emotional experiences and that we can almost all recognize in our adventures.

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