Do We Need The Darkness To See More Clearly?

Do we need the darkness to see more clearly?

Imagine the following situation: You are in a very bright place and someone is approaching you. You cannot see his face because you are blinded by the brightness. You might raise your hand to shield your eyes and create shadows. ‘Cause you need a moment of darkness

At that moment, you can recognize the other person and determine if they are a friend or just a stranger who wants to ask for directions. Now you can safely decide whether you want to greet this person with a hug or just kindly explain the way to them.

When we see more clearly, we can make better decisions

Imagine a world where there is only light. If its residents have never experienced the darkness, how can they understand and appreciate the light? It is the contrast between light and dark that deepens our knowledge. We live in a world of dualities: up and down, hot and cold, good and bad.

Man stands with his back in the beam of light and is surrounded by darkness

We learn to appreciate joy more through pain. The chaos of the world increases our appreciation for peace. The hatred we see can deepen our understanding of love. Thus, the difficulties of life can be a particularly powerful tool for the necessary self-knowledge.

The more nuances we know, the wiser decisions we can make. So the darkness is an opportunity for reflection. It allows us to look inward and pay less attention to the outside. Life is a journey from the head to the heart. In a sense, the difficulties of life smooth this path for us; they open our hearts and make us appreciate it better.

In short, the darkness offers us the opportunity to get to know ourselves better and to come into harmony with what we find within us.

From the most beautiful music in the world

Now imagine that you come from a place where the most beautiful music that has ever been composed is played. It’s gorgeous, impressive music. You always heard her all your life. The music was always there and you haven’t heard any other in your life.

One day you find out that while you always heard her, you never really listened. You never really appreciated her because you took her for granted. So you decide that you want to understand this music. You choose to do this in a challenging way so that you will be rewarded higher: It comes to mind that if you go to a place where the music isn’t too, you can get a really deep understanding of her is heard, and do you try to recreate it while you’re there. You want to start doing this as soon as the echoes of its sound have faded. The experience of remembering and playing the excellent symphony from your home should give you a full understanding of its greatness.

You go to a new place. You hear new music. Some songs are wonderful, but others ache in your ears with their dissonance. These uncomfortable sounds create a desire in you and the solution ultimately promises to be to create your own music. And the darkness will be a very necessary part of this creative process.

Colorful clef

Soon you will start writing your own compositions. First, the noisy music of the new place distracts you. But over time, you can shift your attention from the outside noises to the melodies of your heart and your musical creations will become more beautiful.

Finally, you compose a masterpiece. That’s when you first notice: the masterpiece you wrote is the same music that played in your home. And this memory brings you to another realization: you are this music. You did not hear it on the outside, but in your spirit, in your soul.

By recreating yourself in a new place, you can get to know yourself in ways that you couldn’t have done without stepping out of your comfort zone. You only realize in retrospect that if you had not experienced this darkness, the completely new, then you would not have been able to appreciate what makes both places so special.

The difficulties of life are there so that we can experience who we are not before we can remember who we really are. You could say that we have to experience uncomfortable tones and dark moments before we can recreate the symphonies of our home. We need the darkness to see better, to set the course and to truly appreciate the light.

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