I Refuse To Be Just A Footnote In The Book Of My Life

I refuse to be just a footnote in the book of my life

I’ll be the main character in my own story. I refuse to be influenced by other people’s opinions. I also refuse to take the easiest route. On the contrary – I will fight to be myself. And I will defend my identity, my own life and my happiness. There will be chapters in the book of my life that will cause me pain and make me cry. But there will be others who put the smile of a honey cake horse on my lips. But all chapters, really every single one, are told with my voice.

Yes, there will be people who will try with the best of intentions to direct my life. Because they think they can write a better chapter. Because they believe that this way you can avoid all worries. I want to tell them something:

Sometimes the hero has to suffer in order to grow. So that he can become the builder of his own story.

Then there will also be those people who would like to take the title role in my book themselves. Or want to transform into my narrator or my narrative voice. And they have no good in mind for me. They are toxic people who want to live out multiple stories and hurt others in the process. They rob others of their place as a key figure in order to give themselves more importance.

These jealous, talkative, and dangerous people will not occupy a single line in the book of my life. While they strive to get a title role, they don’t even manage to be decent villains or adversaries. They just don’t get any importance from me. These people only live from the value I give them. And in my case, I’ve decided they’re not worthy of a single word. Let alone a single drop of ink.

While it might hurt too, you should be the main character in your book, too. Because the people who love you also accept your mistakes. They will become a fixture in your life. They will be like walking sticks that you can use to pull yourself up again. They are not trying to change you. They take you just as you are – with your past and all the trimmings. Because the past is your story, your life.

The best chapters in the book of my life are set in good company

In the book of my life, I always spend the best chapters in good company. With these crazy, loud and at the same time very sensible companions. Who make me grin with their hair-raising stories. Who really set an example and deserve the name “friend”. Simply the best possible company.

Some friends appear on a page and in a lost section you have to smile at them. Others appear and take up an entire chapter. They leave a lasting impression of a time that you will always remember. But the most important ones, your true friends, will always be by your side, going through thick and thin with you. They will be with you throughout your story from the moment they arrive.

They are the essential ones, the best, the friends present who will stay – no matter what. You should really be important to us. Don’t waste time telling stories about people who are just trying to cause you pain. Rather spend it with those who are always there when you need them. Who say infinitely more with a single glance than others with lots of wrong words.

I write it and I live it too

And as in many of my books, there will be chapters that are underlined. And where lots of notes have been scribbled in the margins. The pages are already very busy. They have been read so often that they are slowly starting to mean something new. Especially if you read it through with people who love and support you.

There will also be strange lines in the book of my life. On them you can see the traces of anger and tears. Because it’s about the injuries that someone else did to me. But at the same time he will have taught me how to live my own story. It is very clear that we all run into bad guys. But the main villains are the ones who teach you something of value. They put the right people at your side and show you who a real friend is.

So that’s how I learned that I’m the main character in my book of life. I write it and I live it. No matter who might like or dislike it. I am also the one who decides who to keep with me and what to do in each section. Very easily:

I refuse to be the footnote in the book of my own life. Because I now have the title role.

You have to fight for the things that you want to achieve and that are important to you. For your own life. Because your happiness has a price and it sometimes hurts to pay it. But not fighting so as not to suffer hurts even more. When you rely on others who just want to be protagonists themselves. Just so that you don’t have to make your own decisions. Because you want to please everyone. But then you no longer write your own story. Instead, it will be read to you by others.

Make a note in the back of your mind that past mistakes don’t count. The past has already been written down. It has led you into the present and the future has yet to be invented. A present in which you can learn from the mistakes in the previous chapters. And what’s more: You can choose the actors who will accompany you on the way to the next chapter.

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