I Want To Be Happy And Not Just Pretend To Be Happy

I want to be happy and not just pretend to be happy

Being happy is our top priority. It’s just like we’re little children playing hide and seek with happiness. But is it necessary to seek happiness? And what if we’re already happy? If so, maybe our life would have no meaning at all?

Even if we don’t always have a reason to put a smile on our faces, we still force ourselves to do it. Have you ever noticed that sadness is not welcomed? Without being aware of this, we put a mask on our negative feelings and emotions.

Stop looking for reasons to be happy. Focus on what you have and the many reasons that you should be happy about.

Nobody told you how you get happy

Where can we find happiness? Since childhood, we have been taught to follow certain steps to one day be happy. One of those steps is to find a good job that we can earn a living from and that allows us to basically not have to worry about finances.

But we find happiness not only on a professional level, but also in our relationships. For many, having a partner and children is the ultimate. But what if the result is different from what we expected and we continue to be unhappy?

Woman with yellow flowers

If we follow all these steps and still do not find the dreaded happiness, a feeling of deep sadness prepares itself, which makes us feel like the greatest unlucky fellow. Then we start to think that we may not deserve a life with a constant smile on our faces.

All the signs that show us the way to happiness make this one and only one that is often too high an expectation. Because no matter how much we have, happiness does not correspond to what we have been led to believe, and to recognize that we only have to open our eyes and take a closer look at our surroundings.

“There are two ways to spread happiness: Either you are the light that shines, or the mirror that reflects it.”

Edith Wharton

If you do that, it will be noticed that the happiest are not the ones who have the most, but the humble people who always smile. This is because they appreciate the little that they have and because they understand that happiness has nothing to do with the aforementioned ideas. Because happiness is a question of attitude.

These people have realized that they don’t need anyone to smile. Nor do they feel that they have lost something because they have accepted that life is a lousy traitor and that you don’t always get what you want. Despite all this, they look to the future with optimism and continue to fight for what their hearts beat.

Am I being forced to be happy?

In a way, we are actually forced to be happy and put on our nicest smiles when we just feel like crying. To do this, we just have to look at the many guides that show us how we always feel good with ourselves and with others.

The big problem with this is that it is simply impossible to be truly happy 24 hours a day. This has to do with the fact that positive feelings are related to negative ones. We are constantly trying to flee from the latter because we do not see them as being beneficial for our wellbeing.

Woman wrapped in blue

That’s why we almost always conjure our best smile on our faces and pretend to be happy. It seems that this way we are more accepted and can integrate more easily. We are required to be optimistic because it makes everyone feel better.

You make your own decisions. Just reassure yourself that they will make you happy.

But the consequence of this is that we hide our true feelings when we are actually doing badly. Without noticing it, we encounter many smiles that hide sadness; Laughter drowning out horrific cries of pain; shining eyes that try to hide deep suffering.

The decision not to be happy

What if I now choose not to be happy? There are many people who wish they weren’t happy, even if that might seem strange. But actually it is not when we do everything possible to separate ourselves from this long-awaited state of mind.

We want to feel happy as soon as we have crossed our finish line at work and within the family and thus achieved prosperity and balance all along the line. Dreams and even more dreams that do not trigger any euphoria in us when they become reality, and that will remain so for the rest of our lives.

No one can decide your happiness, so you should never put your joy, your peace, your life in the hands of another person.

Being happy is a state of mind that many others experience. Because of this, happiness lives in you, as does the feeling of sadness or any other emotion. As you go inside you realize that in this wonderful place all alternatives are born that you alone can control in order to be happy.

Happy woman in the garden

Appreciate what you have and stop pretending that you are always fine. Be who you are and never let someone else force you to be who you really are not. Say goodbye to the wrongly learned notion of what is supposed to make you happy and which you have found to be wrong. We find happiness in ourselves.

And how about you Are you happy yet?

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