Why “I Believe In You ” Is So Valuable

Why "I believe in you" is so valuable

Sometimes it is more valuable when someone   tells us, “I believe in you and I trust you” than just “I love you” more .   At the end of each day, love is nothing more than a label if meaningful actions are not followed to validate that love. It is the actions that renew the connection through care and attention day after day. Therefore, only a few sentences have a similar meaning as:  “I believe in you and I am there for you.”

This emotional dynamic is what so-called trust psychology is about. This research field is not a new area within behavioral research and personality studies. For example, experts in this area B. found that  few things affect the brain as positively as the unreserved support of the people we love.

“Love does not have to be understood, just shown.”

Paul Coelho

When you form an important bond with someone, be it friendship or romantic, you are most likely to appreciate the fact that that bond is reinforced over and over again through absolute and unconditional trust. If this is not the case, if you lack harmony and are shown little trust, the connection will break.

We all want people to believe in us when we talk about our goals when things don’t go well. If that doesn’t happen, if the person listening to us makes an ironic comment in response to what we say, ignores us or doubts us, then it has noticeable effects. Cortisol is released. This is the stress hormone that is supposed to warn us that something is wrong.

A person is sitting there.  Her hands are on her knees.  Another hand gives consolation.

“I believe in you and I am there for you until the end of time” – that is worth a thousand words

Trust is not an essential ingredient in romantic relationships. Trust is also indispensable in the world of work. Many companies have not yet realized this and therefore have not yet taken it into account. For example, the CEO of Yahoo requires that all of his employees work in the same building complex. He wants to be in control of every business process. All departments should travel the same line. Such an approach is logical at first glance, but it has various psychological effects.

Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, takes a different approach. He doesn’t need all of his employees to be around. In fact, these are scattered all over the world. Branson says that any human connection should be based on trust. Especially when it comes to impulses and creativity, to the productivity of an employee, nothing has such a positive effect as the message: “I believe in your abilities and in your commitment, no matter where you are. I believe you will do your best for this company. “

“I believe in you”  is more valuable than a long speech. It’s a simple, short reinforcement that gives you wings and at the same time gives you the roots from which you can draw energy to keep growing. It gives you the assurance that you both have the same goal. Ernest Fehr said that trust should not be taken for granted,  neither in love nor in friendships or business relationships.

You have to earn trust every day. It is the cornerstone of a belief-based bond.

A group of work colleagues are seated at the table.  The atmosphere is trusting.

I believe in myself, but I also need you to believe in me

The need for others to believe in you, your values, and the meaningfulness of your actions and words will not make you dependent on their confirmation. Rather, it is an important building block for any relationship. Every child needs this approval from their parents in order to grow and become autonomous. Self-esteem and basic confidence also depend heavily on it. All those involved in the network of relationships need this trust to ensure the security and stability of the relationship and to draw happiness from it.

“Give me a fixed point and I’ll move the world.”


When you feel lost, the words  “I believe in you” will   dispel your fears and tension. An  “I believe in you”   makes you feel less alone. It has a stronger effect than an “I love you” in difficult times  . You are not less valuable or dignified just because you need a dose of trust at times. Because even if believing in yourself and your own abilities is essential, it is just as important that you experience time and again that the roots of your relationships are deep. It is important to always know and feel that people are there for you and believe in you, even if you seem to have lost that belief yourself.

As strange as it may seem,  the need to trust others is stored in your DNA, i.e. genetically determined. Support from others has always been an important key when it comes to survival. Neuroscience representatives state that this type of safety and confirmation leads to the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for affection, happiness, and social bonds. Daily support and trust form a kind of prosocial behavior that leads to psychological well-being and better mental health.

Two light blue birds sit on a perch and cuddle.

Psychologists also know that if we want to be trusted, it is important to trust others. Sometimes it’s hard. We all know that. Especially if we have been betrayed before. Even so, trust is the component it takes for relationships to flourish. Only with trust can you achieve happier relationships and more solid business ventures.

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