Thank You Mom For Always Being There For Me!

When you’re a mom, distance doesn’t matter. Being there for someone also means having them in your heart, always knowing what to say and giving unconditional support to someone in every imaginable situation.
Thank you mom for always being there for me!

Thank you mom for being there for me in every possible way! You give me your unconditional love and support, absolute trust and that special look that gave me the feeling of security even as a child and encouraged me to live my life the way I want to. Thank you mom for giving me this wonderful feeling of peace, happiness and inspiration!

If you have a mother who makes you feel like this, this is a great gift. Good mothers are wonderful people who know how to take care of themselves and other people. They know themselves and are aware of their own worth and their role in life, so that they can only give their children the best.

Washington Irvin once said: “A mother is the truest friend we have when we face severe and unexpected trials and adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends leave us. When our difficulties worsen, she will still stand by us and endeavor with her loving advice and recommendations to dispel the dark clouds around us and ensure that peace returns to our hearts. “

While much of this is true, the mothers who really make a lasting impression on their children are the ones who teach them to clear these dark clouds on their own. But of course a mother has many different roles and responsibilities. Not only does it give love and affection, but it also educates, corrects and sets limits. She inspires by her own behavior and does not hesitate to pave the way so that her children can advance alone in the world and take their own destiny in their hands.

Thank you mom - mother and daughter in the sunlight

Mother’s Day has multicultural origins

Many people around the world celebrate Mother’s Day in early May. For some, this day is little more than just another man-made holiday. Another reason to get people to buy gifts. But for other people this is a very special day to spend with the whole family.

Whatever your position on the day, you should know that people have been celebrating Mother’s Day since ancient times. More specifically, there are records that show that ancient Egypt celebrated Mother’s Day, albeit in a completely different way than we do today.

In ancient Egypt, the goddess Isis was worshiped once a year. She was the creator of life, goddess of magic and protector of children and women. In addition, there was a holiday in ancient Greece on which the mother figure was honored.

The Greeks paid tribute to Rhea, the mother of Zeus, Hades (god of the underworld), Poseidon, Hestia, Hera and Demeter. She was a titanide. It was often associated with the moon in Hellenistic culture.

Modern Mother’s Day

Later, with the onset of Christianity, the holiday focused on the Virgin Mary. However, it was not set to the month of May until the 19th century. The reason for this was two women: the American poet and activist Julia Ward Howe and Ann Jarvis.

They organized demonstrations to reconcile the people who were on both sides of the American Civil War. Although they failed to unite all people, they did manage to bring women together. Because they appealed to the common suffering of all mothers who were victims of conflicts and had lost their children in the war.

Every year Julia Ward and Anne Jarvis gathered these women to defend women’s rights and as a symbol of cooperation, friendship and hope. Together they applied to the government to declare May the month of mothers.

Thank you mom - papyrus with Isis

Thank you mom for being there and for being who you are!

Now you know Mother’s Day isn’t just any random holiday that marketers come up with. It has deep roots and a real purpose. Mother’s Day exists to honor women, defend their rights, and honor those who fight for peace, deeply love their children, and are guided by strong values.

Many of us recognize these attributes in our own mothers (or in ourselves). Therefore we celebrate Mother’s Day. Because that is the least we can do to show our gratitude.

  • Thank you mom that you exist! I thank you for your love and the importance you gave to the most crucial moments of my life.
  • Thank you mom that you are always there for me, even if you cannot always be physically present. Maybe I haven’t told you this often enough, but you have a very special place in my heart. You are always with me and you always will be.
  • I am so grateful that you taught me to love myself and take care of me. Thank you mom for giving me wings instead of pulling me down. Thank you for being the wind for me and not the anchor. I am who I am because you taught me the importance of freedom and responsibility.

Thank you mom for being there and for being who you are! Enthusiastic, unique and always good company. Thank you for laughing with me and being serious when you need to. You are someone I take as my role model and someone I will love today, tomorrow and forever.

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