Which Masks Do You Wear?

Although everyone wears a mask every now and then, there are people who wear masks for so long that they become part of themselves. Why do we even need a mask? What types are there and what is behind them? Find out more about it today!
What masks do you wear

Masks are tools that people often use to adapt to their circumstances. It’s a way to reinvent yourself to move forward. They allow you to pretend that you can do anything and help you protect yourself from what could hurt you.

In other words, putting on a mask is an unconscious defense mechanism that kicks in when you feel threatened. This mechanism can help you survive. Hence, wearing masks is n’t always a bad thing.

This means that the mask you are wearing may not serve its adaptive purpose under certain circumstances. Instead, it does exactly the opposite. These masks, which you cannot take off even if you want to, have been the subject of numerous psychopathological studies. They are called “ego” in gestalt psychology or “cultural preserves” in psychodrama.

Masks - white porcelain mask

When do you need a mask?

People learn to use masks from a young age. You probably learned to use them when you realized that under certain circumstances you cannot always do what you want if you want to be accepted.

For example, you learn to control your frustrations or tantrums in order to get your parents’ approval. Or that you should be patient and kind with your classmates in order to be accepted by them.

These masks set the limits in your relationships with other people. They represent the different roles that you have to play in your life. Masks allow you to check your impulses and they will help you develop important skills like empathy.

In certain situations, you will likely wear a mask for yourself as well. When you are going through tough times, you may need the mask of strength to get through them. Once it has served its purpose, you can take it off.

What different masks are there?

Masks are a part of life. Some protect you while others can harm you. Interestingly, different people use the same masks.

Here are some of the most common types:

  • The good child. This child learned at a young age that others would accept them when they behaved. Therefore, it is difficult for the good child to set boundaries or to express his or her opinion, because he is afraid of not being accepted. These people are just trying to please others.
  • The fighter. The tough struggles that people have to fight to overcome the adversities of life create this mask. It also helps to put aside fear and indecision when people have to take responsibility.
  • The apathetic mask. This mask of indifference makes you appear impervious to what is happening around you. In addition, it defends you against external threats and allows you to hide your own suffering.
  • The saviour. He wants to save everyone and loves the hopeless cases.
  • The sufferer. People who wear this mask have learned from a young age that life is miserable and the only way to get love is to play the victim.

Other common masks:

  • The tough guy. This is a mask that very sensitive people wear very often because they are afraid of being hurt or looking vulnerable. Because of this fear, they have learned to hide their sensitivity and only show anger or aggression instead.
  • Little Miss Sunshine”. Some people find it difficult to accept emotions such as sadness, anger, or loss. Therefore, they always put on a smile and pretend that everything is fine. Ultimately, they run away from their own feelings.
  • The clown. The clown uses humor to hide his emotions. This mask is similar to the previous one. One facet of this mask is that these people often fear that others would no longer accept them if they stopped joking all the time and instead acted seriously.
Masks - black and white mask

When you can’t take off your mask

All of the above masks will help you protect your real self from potential threats. However, sometimes you wear these masks for so long that you can no longer take them off. As a result, at some point you will no longer know who you really are. Is the mask part of your essence?

If you’re asking yourself this question, it means you’ve worn this mask for far too long. Therefore, this mask, which previously protected you, will no longer work. Now it’s just a barrier that cuts you off from your emotions, desires, and values. It’s like losing part of who you really are. This loss of connection with yourself can lead you down an unsafe path where you keep trying to wear the same mask.

However, it is very difficult to take off some masks. For example, if you’ve played the strong guy or the strong woman for a long time, you might think that those around you could no longer love you when these people find out that you are really vulnerable.

Ultimately, you should try to take off all of your masks. Look at yourself in the mirror. Take a look at who you really are. Connect with your true self so that you can love yourself. Until you can really be authentic with yourself, it will be very difficult for you to show others who you really are.

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