5 Harmful Behaviors According To The Eastern Philosophy

5 harmful behaviors according to the Eastern philosophy

Practically all schools of medicine in the world agree that health and illness are strongly influenced by lifestyle. In particular through the diet and the way in which we use, use or waste our energy. These two aspects are also the focus of Eastern medicine, which gives us information about behavior that is harmful to health.

While it is often said that the mind and the body are two distinct realities, we all know that they form a unit. What harms the mind eventually also has a negative effect on the body. And what harms the body will one day affect the mind as well.

“A doctor who heals the moment the disease occurs is a mediocre doctor. A doctor who heals the first symptoms is an acceptable doctor. But a doctor who heals before they occur is an excellent doctor. “


Our lifestyle, in turn, depends on our minds. We use our minds to decide whether to follow or avoid certain habits. And our lifestyle can help or harm our organism. This is a clear example of how the mind and body are directly related.

According to Eastern philosophy, the following five behaviors are harmful to health. In the end, this means that they are based on wrong decisions that affect our organism at some point.

Five harmful behaviors

1. Consume foods that do not meet our needs

Sometimes there is talk of self-knowledge, whereby one assumes that this would relate exclusively to our emotional world. So we often neglect that self-knowledge also has to do with our body.

Two children eat cotton candy

Even if society shapes the general diet – due to the abundance of foods – diet is still very personal. Everyone has different dietary needs. Sometimes we forget that and let ourselves be carried away by the most common eating habits. Therefore, this is one of the said harmful behaviors.

2. Using up our energy sources faster than we can replenish them

This point has to do with the previous one. How much and how often we eat is closely related to our lifestyle. Especially with the amount of energy that we take in and use.

Eastern philosophy is of the opinion that one of the health-damaging behaviors is caused by precisely this aspect: We use up our energy sources faster than we can replenish them. In the modern world, this can be seen in breakfast, for example. Since it is often the case that our mornings are filled with activities, we often do not have breakfast. This affects the body and also the mind.

3. Generally eating or drinking too much

This is the opposite of using up energy sources faster than replenishing them. This is more about having more energy than using it. This, too, is harmful behavior. Any excess has a negative effect on the body and mind.

Street with a drawing of a woman who drinks a lot

According to Eastern philosophy, people who eat or drink too much do not get the nutrients they need. Therefore his feeling of hunger does not go away and he wants to satisfy this hunger with more and more food. The solution is to find out what nutrients are missing from your diet.

4. Eat too many bitter foods

Bitter is one of the five flavors. In general, this flavor is not very popular as most people confirm that something bitter doesn’t taste that good. And most of the drugs have a bitter taste. Eastern philosophy assumes that anything bitter could lead to harmful addiction.

Voracious lion

In Far Eastern medicine, however, it is also assumed that bitter foods stimulate the digestive functions, which is why they should be an integral part of the diet. However, eating too many bitter foods leads to problems such as nervousness, anxiety and the aforementioned addiction.

5. Do not pay attention to an appropriate body temperature

In Asia it is believed that body temperature is a very important indicator. A suitable body temperature is a sign that a person is healthy. There are foods that lower the body’s temperature and others that make it rise. Basically, raw foods lower your body temperature and processed foods raise it.

When a person is particularly nervous, they tend to have a lower body temperature. This, in turn, makes them feel weak, anxious, and restless. Aggressive people, on the other hand, usually have an elevated body temperature. Lowering this temperature with diet will help you feel more relaxed.

Like Hippocrates, the father of allopathic medicine, Asians believe that good health largely depends on our diet. Raising awareness of this will enable us to live healthier and more balanced lives.

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