We Can Neither See Nor Touch Our Happiness, We Feel It

We can neither see nor touch our happiness, we feel it

We can neither see nor touch our happiness, the most beautiful things in life, we feel it. A touch, a hug, the magic of a look or a “How are you today?”  Are the real secret of happiness, which is nothing more than the sum of all these things invisible to our eyes that, taken together, are balm for our soul .

Experts in the field of emotions and behavioral psychology tell us that more and more we humans are losing this natural ability to see happiness in the simple and most elementary things. The human being is actually the only living being that is able to exacerbate its own suffering, for example through pessimistic or toxic thoughts.

“Everything is connected by invisible threads: we cannot simply tear off a flower without affecting a star.”

Galileo Galilei

True happiness is therefore invisible, cannot be touched or seen, but it can be felt, for it consists of energy that arises from our own positive connections with everything that is important to us. The most beautiful things in life can be found where we are in our surroundings, but we can neither own nor manipulate them, we can only respect them for what they are: something sacred to us.

Because love cannot be subjugated or dominated. Love should evolve and be cared for every day, as well as our most honest friendships, the love of a child, or the loyalty of our pets. What we give and what we receive cannot be touched, it is the power of our feelings.

We would like to invite you to think about it.


The most beautiful things that we don’t see

The most beautiful things can always be found with us and always in our environment. However, we cannot see them because our brain adapts to routines, automatic processes, recurring thoughts and mechanisms for most of the day and we trust too little in our intuition, which it almost seems as if it is no longer related to our emotional world.

Rick Hanson is a neuropsychologist from the University of San Francisco, California, USA, who is famous for books such as The Connection of Happiness  and The Brain of a Buddha  . In them he explains something important to us that we should be aware of: our brain does not know how to be happy, but it is guided by joy.

We were wonderful hunters of joy in our childhood, but they are so essential, simple, and fundamental that we no longer perceive them as such in adulthood. Only children can enjoy the present, the here and now, as much as they do. It is enough for them to dream to feel satisfied. A walk, a game, a discovery, a hug or an “I am proud of you”  are the greatest gifts for the child’s mind. They are invisible gifts that fill their hearts and make them feel valued.


The older we get, the more difficult our search for joy becomes : I only become happy when I have a perfect partner, a good job, or when my fellow human beings appreciate me, etc. Our mind loses its innocence and this creates pessimism and insecurity and frustration.

Neuropsychologist Rick Hanson emphasizes the need to “connect” to our happiness. We can only achieve this if we restructure our brain and let its neuroplasticity enrich us. We need to change thoughts and behaviors, we need to encourage new feelings to change our reality. Because the most beautiful things will always be with us, they are invisible and cannot be touched – we have to learn to feel them.

One can only see well with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes

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in the world. You will come back and say goodbye to me …
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Open your insides to be able to see the invisible things

In order to understand ourselves a little better as a species, we have to dive into the field of neuropsychology. Our brains evolved on the basis of negative experiences and it did so because this is the only way we can learn to survive, because our ancestors had to deal with very difficult living conditions.

This undoubtedly helps us understand one important thing: we are programmed to focus on the negative aspects of our life. Nevertheless, the time has now come to take a step in a different direction and to think further. If we as a species have been able to survive tough times, now is the time to look ahead and learn to be happy. Because the next stage of evolution has nothing to do with anything other than our consciousness.

We should develop an awareness that again relies on intuition for feelings, reciprocity, respect and empathy. We should learn to become aware of the most beautiful things that surround us, to pay attention to them and to encourage them to grow. We should allow ourselves to be happy because we have already learned to be strong.


What steps we can take to sharpen our awareness and open our inner being

We are experts at constantly worrying, causing calamities, distrusting others and even our own abilities. For some reason, we are so focused on these negative aspects inside ourselves that we basically spend the day blocking out the good. We are blind both internally and externally and we are desperately looking for happiness.

  • Now is the right moment to light the light inside you, to illuminate the following darkness: “It may be that this happens …” – “It is possible that that does not work …” – “That is not for me” – ” It scares me that … “
  • Only when we free ourselves from our inner prison do we become courageous beings to face reality without fear, without burden, and without pessimism.
  • Focus on the here and now and seek joy in everyday things like a child does: the taste of a new meal, new friends, a walk, a smile, eye contact.
  • Enjoy the little things that you encounter. Because when you put them together, they are a whole universe.

Enjoy every little thing in life, because in it you will find true happiness – in the small, the invisible and the really important. Above all, never forget that happiness is not something that comes into your life all at once, but comes to you through the little things that happen to you in everyday life and that you usually do not pay attention to.

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