Smart People Have Fewer Friends

Smart people have fewer friends

It is not considered intelligent to have few friends, in fact the opposite is true. If you don’t have a lot of friends, you automatically belong to the group of “weird owls”, those people who don’t like to socialize with others. But is that really true? Is it true that it is strange to have few friends?

Some say exactly the opposite, namely that you would recognize intelligent people from it. This is a revolutionary assumption that has led many to identify with it while others look astonished. One study found that intelligent people have far fewer friends, perhaps because they act in a very different way than what we’re used to.

The psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa and Norman Lee came to the conclusion that people who live in places with a high population density, is less happy feeling. This announcement sounded very familiar to many – a myth they had heard before, but which had never been investigated or even confirmed until then. But now it has been shown that this “old wives’ tale” is actually true.

The correlation between intelligence and friends

Perhaps for you intelligent people are those who used to get good grades if they studied hard and who always had a book in their hands. These individuals preferred to while away the time in the library and diligently do tasks that Teacher had given them. Those people who didn’t need to have a social life and who were happy with their loneliness, who were (and will remain) intelligent.

a book

The study, carried out by the London School of Economics (United Kingdom) and Singapore Management University (Singapore), shows that for people with a high IQ was not as important as it was for others to be around other people, to feel good People with a much lower IQ, on the other hand, showed a preference for getting in touch with others and spending more time getting to know new people.

It was proof that intelligent people tend to go against the current, “do their own thing”. They don’t do what is considered “normal”. They are also happy with a less active social life. However, the majority of people need to connect regularly with friends or other people who share their way of thinking in order to be happy.

15,000 people between the ages of 18 and 28 took part in the study. This is a fairly young age group for whom it is usually more important to exchange ideas with others and get to know new people. Despite this fact, intelligent people did not feel so happy when connecting with others. They did not experience this pleasant feeling of being around others and getting to know new people in the same way as most of the study participants.

Loneliness and independence

There are countless people who have serious problems with loneliness and emotional dependence. We were not brought up to live on the edge of existence; we were taught the opposite. We are social beings who have the ability to enjoy the presence of others, and sometimes it even seems like we need that company. But what happens when you’ve found happiness in solitude?

The research found that intelligent people felt significantly happier when they spent time with themselves. That is not to say that they cut themselves off from the world, as they naturally also have relationships with others, but primarily with a few close friends and family members.


Smart people can count their friends on one hand, and if they lose friends, they have no problem moving on. You are prepared to face life without necessarily needing anyone. Unlike many others, they do not place their happiness in the hands of others.

Intelligent people are at peace with themselves and having a lively social life is not a priority in their lives.

The most intelligent people who have left great things in the world have not necessarily distinguished themselves for their sociability. Her plans and goals have made her much happier than surrounding herself with those around her. Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics also put forward the following thesis, which hits like a bomb: The most intelligent women had no children or had them very late.

If we take a closer look at our world, we see the evidence of it. People with many degrees, who have a degree or some other type of education, have children over the age of 30. Many others, on the other hand, who have decided not to continue their education after completing their secondary education or high school diploma, started families earlier.

When Homo sapiens took   his first steps in this world, he did not part with other living beings, but chose to live with them. There weren’t many people and in order to protect themselves and survive they formed a social group. And it has been proven that the performance of a group is generally higher than that of the individual.

However, intelligent people are prepared to take the hurdles of life alone, without help, without the support of others. They are confident and may not be able to achieve their goals until a later point in time because they trust in themselves and only a few people they know, but they will arrive.

We are certainly talking about different types of intelligence, because it is important that we can implement our goals. If you prefer to do this in a group, please do so. Those who prefer to pursue their dreams as a lone fighter can do that too. Everyone has to find their own way.

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