I’ve Been Disappointed A Thousand Times And I Still Believe In Good People

I've been disappointed a thousand times and still believe in good people

There are still honest, reliable, kind, able, loving, sensitive and respectful people who stay away from bitterness, selfishness, hypocrisy and pride.

People who give us the pleasant feeling that humanity is not entirely lost and who help us to regain faith in the recovery of today’s world, which is riddled with interests, lies and falsehood.

Their appearance is good-natured, attentive, and humble, and they are ignorant of its importance. They don’t know that they are all that make us smile.

“It’s wonderful that no one has to wait a single moment to start making the world a better place.”

Anne Frank

What we learn from good people

Those wonderful people not only give us a smile, comfort and happiness, but also beautiful memories that transform into lessons of life through our emotions.

Four girlfriends hugging

Thanks to them, we learn that good deeds are better than good intentions, and that what we offer to others comes back to us multiplied. And what’s more, they also make us aware that the best reward is what we have inside of us.

Life is not about stability, it is about understanding, balancing, and for that we need to feel good about ourselves. There is only one way to do this: discard bad intentions and learn from negative emotions.

A lesson on emotions and kindness

The fact that we don’t always have good intentions and good feelings doesn’t make us bad people, but normal people.

For example, it is completely natural to feel jealousy, anger, anger, or envy, and we shouldn’t worry. We should just be extra careful not to act on these feelings.

In other words, you shouldn’t explode like a volcano, nor let circumstances dominate you. Of course, we get jealous when someone has something we long for, or, for example, when we see others doing well in their lives while we are feeling stuck.

This in no way diminishes our worth. Thus, only by being aware that we cannot escape the emotions or negative feelings, we can take a step towards growing our emotional intelligence.

Girl with a butterfly on her eye

Tips for Overcoming Destructive Emotions

Typically, by an emotionally intelligent person, we mean someone with qualities such as justice, truthfulness, loyalty, honesty, wisdom, and respect. In reality, however, this description suggests a more balanced person.

Kindness is a gift that must be enjoyed and worked for. So in order to achieve the desired emotional balance, we must learn to overcome destructive emotions.

As we know, very few people manage to transform these emotions into themselves, and I dare to point out that they never quite get it (not least because it goes against their emotional nature).

In order to overcome destructive emotions, we need to work on certain aspects:

1- We have to understand them

As I said, we need to get rid of the idea that negative emotions are intolerable and go one step further to cement this new belief. When they arise, think of them and what made them.

2- Lose fear

Emotionality isn’t a bad thing, is it? For the same reason, we can say that envy or anger at a given point in time is not a negative thing either. Ultimately, the statement is the same, only that envy or anger are more specific statements.

Girl and octopus

We would probably find it more bearable to think of the lightheartedness with which a child is angry or jealous. After all, we know that we don’t have to blame it for this, but rather make it understand what it is, what it is feeling right now.

Why don’t we do the same to ourselves? It’s exactly the same. Understanding and internalizing this helps us not to fear our nature and our feelings.

Destroy 3 labels

In general, humans tend to make internal, stable, and global attributions of a negative kind about the behavior of others. While we are a little more benevolent with ourselves, we may fear that others will also think so negatively about us.

In general, we are not aware of what exactly is going on in our mind, but we do know the damage that it does in us when others judge us for something that is not true.

4-Cultivate emotional balance

Are the emotions that hurt ourselves and others destructive? In reality, they only become destructive when they disturb our mental balance.

I mean, it’s not the feeling of anger in and of itself, because it doesn’t really wreak havoc in us unless we let it be and hold it for too long. While it is not easy to fill every negative emotion with a good feeling, this is the step we must take to achieve the mental serenity that we so crave.

In this regard, it helps us reflect on our emotions and values ​​to promote related aspects of kindness and compassion, peace and trust in us.

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