Feeling Superior To Others: A Trait Of Insecure People

Feeling superior to others: a trait of insecure people

We all know someone who is very confident and likes to flaunt himself. With his head held high, he acts as if he knows everything, and he pretends that the rest of us can never put ourselves on a par with him. We recognize these people by their ability to feel superior to others. They think they are better than others and by their side there are people who adore them on the one hand and people who are their victims on the other.

“Our ego is directly related to the insecurity we feel.”

Rafael Calbet

Modesty is not a quality that distinguishes these people. They are always proud and pride themselves on everything to make them look better than the rest. But is there something else behind it? Could it be that they put on a mask to hide a huge complex behind it?

The feeling of superiority and self-delusion

Let’s think about the people who bully others. They are not as strong as they seem because they need to hurt others, to scare someone in order to gain respect. But deep down, they are not as brave as it seems. They have serious problems which they try to hide behind a mask and which they project onto those around them.

The same goes for people who feel superior to others. Behind all this disdain they show their own friends hides a much deeper problem that they are trying to cover up. This is a situation that you make yourself worse by putting on a mask of complacency, but which can never solve the problem.


Man has a great ability to deny problems that overwhelm him. In addition, he sometimes even dares to deny the reality that is playing out before his eyes. Now and then we do it out of fear, other times out of shame. In the case of condescending people, the big problem is their insecurity that torments them.

As it couldn’t be otherwise, self-esteem plays a major role here. Of course, there are only two options left for you to act around these people: to feel superior or inferior. People who think they are better than others disguise their insecurities by pretending to be better than others, and they humiliate others to make them feel more comfortable in their own skin.

I will always look down on you from above

One of the factors that can make a person feel superior to others may have to do with previous bullying. It is possible that this person will change fundamentally in the following years, adopting a behavior that apparently allows him to protect himself from renewed bullying.

Because of this, he shows security from day one and begins to hostile others. He then pretends to be someone he is not really. He will also never admit a mistake and always put the blame on others. In addition, he can be pedantic and arrogant, with such a positive opinion of himself that he actually becomes a role model for many people around him.


In order to maintain their condescending behavior, some have to agree to it. Otherwise, your strategy won’t work and you will fail. To ensure this, they make use of their great penchant for theatrics and joke people who are actually superior to them in order to convince others that they are in truth the leader.

But to her regret, sooner or later this condition will pass. And when that happens, your self-esteem suffers a lot. Ignoring a problem will only make it worse, and it will hit us with such force when we can no longer hide it that we can find it difficult to deal with.

“Self-delusion is first a warm refuge and then a cold prison cell.

María Jesús Torres

Putting on a mask is never a good decision. The solution is to start looking for a balanced sense of self so that we can feel safe and good about ourselves. Giving ourselves off as people who hurt others won’t help us feel better, at least not in the long run. Inside, we will continue to feel this emptiness and terrible insecurity.


Therefore, you should always be careful when dealing with people who think they are above you. You are not to blame for their behavior. We justify this with the fact that these people had to experience horrific situations. If you have the opportunity to reach out to them and help them, do so; if not, then distance yourself from them and let them continue on their way until they have solved their problem of insecurity on their own.

Now you know that anyone who exaggerates their great abilities – be it their security, strength, courage, intelligence – to put themselves above others is doing it because they have a problem with themselves. It’s his way of protecting himself, although the only thing he does is to isolate himself even more.

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