A Woman’s Heart Is The Strongest Place In The World

A woman's heart is the strongest place in the world

Anyone who has said that a woman’s heart is weak is wrong. Few things strike with such force and give life and essence to this world as the soul of a woman who loves her own. Through its many doors, the consciousness, the emotions, the balance and the intuition fit what comes together to form the most powerful palace of nature.

It is a huge space in which everyone has a place, where everyone is served and where there are no external norms, because it is true to its principles and values. She has struggled in so many situations that she prefers to keep the triumph to herself and see the disappointments as paths she has followed to learn.

We live in a society in which one often values ​​those dimensions that one associates with masculinity, such as dominance, power, security or logical thinking. In reality, these are concepts that do not even make people themselves, but it is modernity itself and society that praises such values ​​that, strangely enough, do not correspond to the real human essence.

On the other hand, and in an almost traditional way, one has always pushed into the background those aspects that determine the female character, as if they remained connected in some way with “weakness”: intuition, emotions, sensitivity, empathy .

Associating these dimensions with human weakness is a huge mistake. A woman’s heart is built on these pillars and is a clear example of iron strength. We invite you to discover it.

Only you know the battles you fought


What a woman has experienced, what she has had to endure in the course of her life, only she knows. And many of these things she would rather not talk about, keep them to herself because they are chapters that have to be kept quiet to build your own life. What defines us in the end.

Every battle you experience should build up your own strength and show you which paths you should and should not cross. Because in this age your woman’s heart has already become wise. And being wise also means having to endure a lot of disappointments, but at the same time remembering that life without hope would not be the same.

All the wounds that you’ve healed

There are those who can be defeated. There are those who overcome these sterile relationships, and there are those who keep silent and let fear drive them in their reaction. For fear of being alone or maybe ending up with something worse. A strong woman’s heart is also brave. It knew how to break all those bonds that had broken them, it knew that sometimes there comes a moment when it should prioritize itself.

To be strong means neither having muscles nor reacting with brute force. Nor does being strong mean closing your eyes and pretending nothing is happening. It means being able to be with yourself and knowing what you need. It means to be able to assert oneself and to start anew to live.

butterfly heart

A woman’s heart is not afraid to come into contact with her essence

Your essence is what gives you strength and what shapes your heart: emotions, intuition, empathy . You know how to listen to that inner voice that sometimes connects with what is far away and what also unites you with the wounds of the world.

You can read things in strange facial features, anticipate reactions, anticipate grief and you will become infected with joy. And that’s why there is no shortage of people who will tell you “that you seem a bit like a witch” , but you smile in silence because you know that you cannot know everything that life means to learn and that you let yourself be guided by loyalty and love for your neighbors.

All the lives of your neighbors fit into your heart, but you save a place for yourself

Anyone who says that everyone fits into a woman’s heart is wrong. You have come to a point in your life where you know very well who is better to stay outside and who deserves a place inside.

Your heart beats calmly today because you left the storms behind you, because you know that there are people who hurt you and nobody is an egoist when they close the doors of the heart to those who have done nothing to keep them alive. This is wisdom, this is caution, and above all this is taking care of yourself.

In your wise soul now live the beings you love most and who give your life meaning. Your heart is the best place a child can grow up, the best place to share it with that companion who so deserves it.

But if there is one more thing that is absolutely clear to you, it is that a woman’s heart deserves a lot of space for herself. To take care of yourself, to heal yourself, to be free and happy with yourself. With what it is and what it has achieved.


Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay, Lucy Cambpell

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