Five Ways To Get Moving

Five ways to get moving

Starting with regular exercise is really not easy. The indolence on the first day – or the first few weeks – can prevent you from getting used to it. And so your project ends with you throwing away your idea again.

That’s why we’ve decided to share a few ways with you that will make it easier for you to get moving – this will give you greater willpower and the benefits of regular activity.

1. Define what exercise means to you

The basic idea of ​​“movement” is usually not clearly defined. Different types of physical activity are for example: playing soccer, dancing, jogging, walking, yoga, going to the gym, swimming, etc. It is therefore important to determine what kind of exercise you want to do in order to get moving at all to be able to and to establish this as a habit. It should be something that you like, that fits well into your everyday life, and that you want to reap the benefits of.

Woman jogs on a path.

If one of your main goals is to gain muscle mass, you can go to the gym and work out with weights. If you want to get slimmer, jogging, for example, would be suitable for you. If you are looking for new acquaintances and want to socialize, consider team sports.

Besides these things, defining the type of movement also means having a clear goal in mind. Because of this, you shouldn’t just plan on moving more often. Instead, plan on going to the market gym for an hour three times a week, or jogging in the neighborhood for 20 minutes each morning. Having a clear, visible goal is sure to help you focus more on your activity and do it more regularly.

Getting started with exercise is easier when you pick an activity that you enjoy. If you do, it will be easier to integrate them into your everyday life.

2. Start with simple exercises

If you are not used to moving, exercising can exhaust you and the thought of doing it regularly can make you reluctant. Therefore, it is best to start with simple exercises that do not require much effort. They help make exercise a habit without feeling lazy about it. Little by little you can increase the intensity and duration of the movement as your body gets used to it.

3. Choose another activity as a reminder

This step is very important in helping you remember to exercise when the time comes. It should be an activity that you have already made a habit of and internalized so much that you would never forget it.

As an example,  you can exercise before brushing your teeth, after morning coffee, or after bed is made. Once you’ve chosen a suitable activity, you can go back to step one: Determining the right type of exercise – at a specific time in a specific place.

4. Reward yourself!

A good way to encourage yourself to exercise is to set a reward that you can enjoy afterward. This will help you overcome initial indolence and feel good when your practice is done. In combination with the mental well-being that movement triggers, this results in a good dose of energy and motivation.

Despite everything, your reward should be healthy. For example, you could choose a relaxing bath with a particularly pleasant smell, drink tea, or spend some time listening to music. At the same time, things like smoking or chocolate would be highly counterproductive.

Woman lies in the grass and listens to music.

5. Track your progress

In order to be able to see the results that you achieve through the movement better and to maintain the habit, you can take a photo of yourself every week, for example. You could also measure the size of your muscles, for example on your biceps, stomach or thighs.

Seeing that you are losing weight or building muscle will help you better perceive the positive results of your physical activity. That motivates you to keep going. To stay up to date on this, you can also install apps that allow you to track your exercise routine and activity.

As you can see, it is not easy to start exercising because it has to be established as a habit . Still, it has many advantages. Following a healthy lifestyle will energize you and improve your mental state.

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