Self-awareness – The Key To Happiness

Self-awareness - the key to happiness

Happiness. What does this concept actually depend on? Is it a whim of fate or a coincidence? Does happiness depend on our bank balance? The answer: no.   He who has the most is not the happiest. Not even the richest or the one who is waiting for him to suddenly become a gold marie, as in the fairy tale “Frau Holle”.

The happiness that everyone strives for in their life is in the smallest and most everyday things. Things we appreciate and enjoy. But there is one thing we must not ignore: in order to be happy, you have to know what you really need, what defines you, and how you actually perceive the world around you. Keep yourself company, get to know yourself.

There are people who just drag themselves from day to day and whose hearts are empty. They would like to have everything imaginable without enjoying what is right under their noses. Self-awareness is the key to happiness, to be in control of our own emotional world and to look at ourselves and our needs in a very modest way.

How is your self-perception? Today we are dealing with this interesting concept, which is also one of the cornerstones of emotional intelligence.

Self-awareness – the art of being aware of oneself

To understand this concept, let’s start with an example: A young adult who, thanks to his hard work, good character and ambition, has found a good job is still not happy. He buys a car, a house … But he still feels “empty”. He feels a never-ending inner turmoil, which is neither eliminated by one of his affective relationships nor by material goods.

Little by little he takes the reins of his life in hand and thinks about himself. He goes in search of answers. Maybe he lived too fast and showed others too much what he was made of. He realizes that up to this point he wanted to please everyone else: his family, he wanted to show off to friends … But he never asked himself what he really wanted and needed to be happy. He lived for external perception and not for internal.

How could we define self-perception now?

  1. It lies in the ability to control one’s own emotional world, to be aware of one’s own state of mind and to act accordingly.
  2. Sometimes we feel uncomfortable and yet we force ourselves to continue on the path we have chosen because others expect us to, or because we are simply afraid of leaving our “comfort zone”. And so we actually force ourselves to ignore this inner voice and thus block our way.
  3. Self-awareness is one of the cornerstones of emotional intelligence. This is about consciously perceiving yourself and your own emotions by meeting our fellow human beings openly and harmoniously. We get to know and respect ourselves and at the same time understand the people around us . But that doesn’t mean that we can’t defend our needs too. One should act according to one’s feelings and values.
  4. In order to find happiness, neither material things nor knowledge are important. The happiest is not the one who knows or possesses the most, but the one who understands the most, that is, the one who lives the most modestly and at the same time knows himself best. If we don’t know our limits, there is always someone who wants to push them to the limit. If you don’t know what you want, you will always be looking for something new, something different. If you don’t appreciate what you have and who you are, frustration will be your constant companion. Is it really worth it? Ultimately no.

The self-awareness is a daily task of all, we should pursue , to the day with new challenges and introduces us to the test, to handle day with this complex world, us.

The real wisdom probably lies in self-awareness, in order to know how to act correctly and in accordance with our feelings. We will be more true to ourselves than before, we will think more simply, and not only will we be able to be a little happier, but we will also be able to make others happier. Get started today.

Images courtesy of Vladimir Kush and Amanda Cass

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