My Body Doesn’t Belong To A Model, But That’s Not That Important

My body doesn't belong to any model, but that's not that important

My body has no scalpel, my figure and my weight are not what I am. My life isn’t about the calories I eat, my happiness doesn’t depend on my body mass index, and I’ve developed a tremendous ability to hug the people I like.

No, my body doesn’t look like the one that is always depicted in the magazines. And I don’t belong in a magazine either, but in reality. Because the people from the magazines don’t even exist, the majority of the beautiful curves that we see have been retouched, and my personality has never depended on what others think of me.

This body is mine, a body in which the stretch marks accumulate without my mind, in which a few pounds more or less do not determine my personal development. I will not allow myself to be made a slave just because I have too many or too few curves.


I like to take care of myself, but I can also eat a pizza or a cake without any remorse. This is exactly what allows me not to hate my reflection in the mirror and to be proud of every inch of my skin. I find myself not perfect in a perfect way, a consequence of my life experiences and my well-being.

There is life after the mirror

Your well-being deteriorates when you flee from looking at yourself, discovering yourself, and recognizing your own body, your feminine figure. You are not what an anti-cellulite cream makes you. You are you by loving and getting to know every corner of your body, by understanding why you have cellulite or why your ovaries rebel against you.

We are out of harmony with ourselves if we get upset about the fat on our thighs, our cellulite or our wrinkles every time we look at ourselves in the mirror. We need to create a safe space within ourselves for our body instead of punishing and humiliating it.

We are much more than we think we are. There is much more to our inner being than we can grasp with our intellect.


You were born to be authentic and not to flaunt a perfect body

It is not up to the world around us to tell us how our figure would look more beautiful. Our beauty does not depend on a few pounds more or less, on a sculpted body or a commercial haircut.

There is nothing more feminine than a bright smile, accompanied by a strong and happy look. Without lipstick and without blush, because a woman is much more beautiful in a natural way.

Maybe we can no longer demand the elasticity of youth from our skin or maybe we can no longer look like we used to, but we can very well have a beautiful smile when we look at ourselves in the mirror or when we put on some jeans.

Take off your clothes every day like your imperfect body is a poem. Make peace with him and stop this personal war against your height and weight. Because your worth, your joy and your well-being depend on you. In other words, it’s up to you whether you feel beautiful on the outside and inside.

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