Five Fascinating Quotes From The Mexican Poet Octavio Paz

Many of Octavio Paz’s quotes come from his poems and his amazing essays. He expressed himself so beautifully and profoundly in his works that even some of his letters and articles are considered great pieces of literature.
Five fascinating quotes from the Mexican poet Octavio Paz

Many famous quotations have come down to us from the great Mexican poet Octavio Paz. This is partly because these are not only particularly poetic, but also very universal.

Many of Octavio Paz’s quotes come from his poems and his amazing essays. He expressed himself so beautifully and profoundly in his works that even some of his letters and articles are considered great pieces of literature.

One of the great things about this amazing poet was his originality. It is impossible to reduce it to a single aspect. He liked to experiment and tried to achieve something different in each of his poems.

Five fascinating Octavio Paz quotes

1. Octavio Paz on the observer and the observed

Reality and unreality are two complicated concepts. They become even more vague and harder to understand when it comes to the human mind. Octavio Paz pointed out precisely in one of his quotes: “The unreality of what is observed makes the observer real.”

This quote is a play on four things: reality, unreality, observer and observed . In that quote he said that things are not real from a human point of view unless there is someone around to look at them and give them meaning. So there is nothing if we do not look at it.

A woman on her balcony, lost in thought.

2. Octavio Paz on love

Love is one of the most common themes in Octavio Paz’s works. One of his best quotes about love is: “Love is an attempt to penetrate another being, but it can only succeed if the devotion is mutual.”

This quote is full of wisdom. The idea is that true love can only happen when both people see and love each other the same way. Otherwise, it’s more like attachment, addiction, or habit. True love is mutual and is never based on obligation or fear.

3. The sacrifices and the celebration

Another big topic in some of Octavio Paz’s quotes is power. This is not surprising as he was born during the Mexican Revolution and developed interesting thoughts about the state of his country and the world in this regard.

This quote reads: “Sacrifices and offerings pacify or buy the gods and saints; Gifts and celebrations are for people. ” This quote tells of our old belief that we have to honor the gods so that they do not harm us. Sacrifice and offerings were the best way to do this. Paz said celebrations basically do the same thing, but are there for the people.

4. Octavio Paz on death

Death is an eternal theme and a harsh reality of life. It is also something that we find difficult to understand and accept. It is almost taboo these days to even bring it up. We don’t like to think about it, so we avoid the topic altogether.

Octavio Paz tried to break this taboo. In this quote he says, “A civilization that denies death ends up denying life.”

A woman has her hand on her head and looks sad and thoughtful.

5. Become aware of our history

History is not just a story in our textbooks. Nor is it an old fairy tale that has no influence on our lives today. The story is so much more. It shapes who we are and what we have today. History is made up of all the different threads that have woven together to make us who we are as individuals and as a society as a whole.

Octavio Paz wrote: “To be aware of our history means to be aware of our uniqueness. After that moment of reflection, we can take action. ” In other words, only when you have a sense of the story can you see what makes you unique . Once you see this, you can take action and try to shape the uncertain future.

Octavio Paz wrote many inspirational quotes in his poems and essays. This is probably why he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1990. He was a genius who shed a wonderful light on our world.

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