Take A Deep Breath And Do Not Be Afraid, Because True Love Is Immortal

Take a deep breath and do not be afraid, because true love is everlasting

True love comes when like-minded people meet. There is no doubt that two mature and conscious minds are united in mutual respect when they love one another freely and decide to begin their journey together. Therefore have faith and do not be afraid. Do not sow doubt or uncertainty in your heart. True love does not cause suffering. We know that today many people no longer believe in true love because they have experienced great disappointment when they get involved with someone.

Even less do people trust the concept of persistence. We live in an age of programmed obsolescence. Everything has an expiration date. At the same time, philosophical trends emerge, such as that described by Zygmunt Bauman, the father of fluid modernity, or that of the always challenging Slavoj with his brutal ideas of social disillusionment, which paint a picture of reality in which nothing lasts .

“Love does not consider. They all look in the same direction. “

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

So we live in a world where most of us are socially dissatisfied and still reject change. In such an environment, how can we trust that sustainable aspects still exist? How can we believe in constant feelings, in true love?

Naked couple loves each other.

Sir Francis Bacon once said that people are ready to believe what they want to be true. Therefore, in order to have a happy, satisfying and lasting relationship, we do not have to hope in love, but also believe in it. We must invest time, effort, and love in that special and loved one. What we love we cherish, and what we cherish tends to last.

True love endures times of crisis and neuroscience

Love in times of crisis is not easy. Not even during an economic scramble. For example, unemployment can be a period of insecurity and anxiety that affects a person’s self-esteem. At times like these, it is particularly difficult to establish a stable foundation upon which to build a relationship with others commensurate with expectations. Life plans get mixed up and personal development is impaired. All of these things stain the white canvas on which a romantic relationship is to be depicted.

True love, however, knows how to walk this tightrope. We know life is not easy, but true love knows how to keep your balance even in the face of adversity. True love doesn’t give up, even in those moments when you doubt yourself, you give up hope, your self-esteem and beliefs suffer. A good partner, a lover with a conscience and an extraordinary person knows how to become our lighthouse, our pole star that leads us home.

Couple kiss in the fire.

Most of us care little about the neurological basis of love. But it is simply the result of three ingredients: dopamine, oxytocin and norepinephrine.

True love: Unexpected happiness that needs to be cherished

Stephen Hawking once said that love is much more complicated than physics. He said that sometimes we spend so much time looking up at the sky that we forget what the most important things are here on earth. Whatever the reason, we neglect love even when we know the feelings are real and that we are with the right person. The reasons we behave this way are complex, varied, and sometimes incomprehensible.

Love is not just about the desire, it is above all about understanding”

Francoise Sagan

Love is strange, there is no doubt about it. But as Haruki Murakami said in Blind Willow , Sleeping Woman  , she only comes by every now and then. To find someone who understands our mood, with whom we can communicate perfectly with … This is unexpected happiness that not everyone can experience.

An artist representation of love with a hug.

So if we happen to get this wonderful opportunity, why should we let it slip by? Why don’t we have our feet firmly on the ground, focus on our hearts and raise our minds to a level where maturity and responsibility reign?

Definitely worth it. The one who saw us when we were invisible to everyone else deserves it all. The person who wants to be with you without needing you cares about you, how you deserve it.

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