Narcissistic Personality Disorder In The Film

Many filmmakers resort to narcissism to create characters who will pique the viewer’s curiosity and act as the fulcrum for twisting plot twists and turns.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Movies

Mental health disorders are a great source of inspiration for the big screen. They create excitement and arouse the interest of the audience. Many directors look to Narcissistic Personality Disorder  in their films as a thought-provoking tool.

You have probably seen films in which the main or supporting actors suffer from this disorder. Today we’re going to discuss some examples to help understand this personality type.

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

People with this personality disorder require a great deal of attention from those around them. They are closed and not interested in balancing their interests with those of others. Your egocentric attitude is particularly pronounced.

Narcissists are prone to conflict because they expose their own insecurities, are addicted to recognition, and have no consideration. The consequences leave these people cold. However, they themselves are sensitive to criticism and are prone to frustration if they do not achieve their goals.

How are narcissistic personalities portrayed in the film?

It’s an interesting topic because narcissistic personalities make the plot exciting. That is why there are many films that take up the subject. Some examples:

  • Cameron Crowe’s film “ Vanilla Sky” has a dark and unique story. David suffers from a definite self-esteem disorder fraught with narcissism . He does not accept the demands placed on him, the world belongs to him and he does not tolerate other opinions.
  • Another example is Mary Harron’s “American Psycho “. This film is about Patrick Bateman, a psychopathic narcissist who belongs to the social elite. He constantly strives for physical and personal perfection and fills his inner emptiness with a false image, which leads him to commit crimes without remorse.
  • “The Practitioner” became very popular on Netflix. The director, Carles Torras, portrays the vivid image of a narcissist named Angel who is in a wheelchair after a serious accident and making his ex-girlfriend go through hell obsessively seeking attention and satisfying his emotional needs.

Narcissism according to Woody Allen

Woody Allen has dealt particularly intensively with narcissistic personalities. He treats this subject in his films in a funny, yet dramatic way. In his film “ Midnight in Paris”  egocentricity and arrogance are among the main roles.

However, Woody Allen looks at love from a narcissistic point of view that idealizes romance in a hedonistic and amorous city like Paris. Sarcasm and the ability to express strong emotions characterize this film. An example of the close relationship between psychology and film.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder as the Leading Actor

Some actions focus on simple narcissistic behaviors, while others focus on narcissism Some examples are Tony Stark in ” Iron Man” or Jonah Jameson in ” Spiderman”.
The need to be admired, according to Otto Friedemann Kernberg, is something that is present in narcissistic people. Sometimes they demand this attention, in other situations they don’t have to do much themselves. One example is the film ” The Wolf of Wall Street”.

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Narcissistic personality disorder is described by many screenwriters and directors, which helps us define and recognize it. Do you know other films in which narcissists also play the main or supporting role?

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