Everyone I Meet In My Life Becomes Part Of My Story

Every person I meet in my life becomes part of my story

Every moment that I share with someone becomes part of my path, my story and ultimately also a part of me. Everything that others contribute to my life shapes me and shapes the parts of myself that make me who I am today.

Every story I’ve appeared in has in some way left its mark on me. I remember some of them again and again, others have been forgotten, but they have all influenced me so that I am who I am now. So if I changed something in the past or made other decisions, my life would no longer be the same. Because everything that happened to me brought me here.

We’re every single one of the choices we’ve made, every story we’ve lived, and part of the people we’ve spent our time with.

I grow with everything

The fact that everyone who goes through my life leaves their mark on me does not mean that it is always pleasant and positive. Sometimes I’m lucky enough to walk around someone who fulfills me. But every now and then I stumble across a person who I didn’t want on my way, but from whom I unfortunately cannot distance myself either.

One way or another, whatever happens to me will contribute to my growth. Be it positive experiences and magical encounters or negative events and unpleasant encounters. Everything that happens matters and adds something to my story, even the negative, because without this I wouldn’t know what I don’t want in my life.

Dancing woman with balls flying towards the sky

The important thing is how I deal with each experience in my story, what I do with what happens to me, and how I internalize it. Do I adapt and grow from it? Or, on the contrary, do I stop and let myself be pulled down? From what angle do I look at the events? The latter is a very good question. Because if I let myself be defined by every criticism, at some point I’ll be devastated. If I only accept everything that is good and positive, I will live in an unreal world. But if, on the contrary, I can find some balance between the two options, I will be able to discover the real me.

All of this makes me think that even if I know that I am a collection of stories, moments, and people, I am the only person who has the pieces of the puzzle and the ability to make the best version of myself to create yourself. So I’ll try to prioritize anything that makes me feel better. And the rest I will learn to use to be stronger and to recognize what makes me unhappy, to help others see it that way at another, future time.

Everything I’ve experienced is part of my story

“Everything that happens to us and is properly understood leads us to ourselves.”

Carl Gustav Jung

In addition, over time I have come to understand that every time I get to know someone or find myself in a new situation, I discover a part of myself that was previously completely unknown to me. The relationships I have with others teach me more about who I am than about them, and the same thing happens with others: it’s something out of the ordinary and so difficult to adjust that it scares at first!

Feet with feathers

So I don’t regret anything. Neither the decisions I made nor the people I left behind because everything I went through became part of my story. And even if I have two options, when I make a mistake, to live like in the past and spend my time solving something impossible, or to incorporate my mistakes as another chapter in my story and write new chapters, I choose the latter. Because I prefer to be who I am now and prefer to choose the color myself with which I can paint my path.

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