Strategies To Better Control Stressful Situations

Facing a stressful situation is not an easy task. Life tests us all. But these are exactly the moments when we should develop strategies to face life and learn at the same time.
Strategies to better control stressful situations

Learning how to control stressful situations is almost a survival strategy. The mathematician John Lubbock used to say that a day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. And in fact he is right. The mental energy that we expend and use up in stressful times usually overwhelms us with immense pressure, fear and agony.

On the other hand, there is something important to keep in mind. The ability to face a situation and deal with stressful situations varies greatly from person to person. Some people process their realities in a positive way. This way, you can maintain a realistic perspective on life even in stressful times. As a result, they are more resilient when facing challenges. These people may even find opportunities for growth in these challenges.

Others, however, worry about everything. What is a simple situation for some that does not cause them stress or anxiety can cause great stress for other people. It all depends on your previous experience and some psychological resources. Even if you have not yet installed these resources “ex works” yourself, you can learn them and use them for your benefit.

Albert Ellis, in his famous book How to Control Anxiety Before It Controls You demonstrated that stress and anxiety are to a certain degree not exempt from a positive side. Instead, these situations let you know that you need to change certain things. In this way, if you dare to make these changes, you will improve your wellbeing.

Stress is in the eye of the beholder

Stressful situations and the key to control

We know that it is not easy to control a stressful situation. But what does it actually mean to say that something is “stressful”?

While stress is really in the eye of the beholder, different situations are all stressful. An upcoming operation to deal with legal issues or face new projects is often enough to put most people under pressure.

For example, if we know a patient’s coping capacity, two factors are very important:

  • How the patient perceives a complex situation (first impression).
  • The interpretation that patients give about their ability to cope with a stressful situation (secondary rating).

Ideally, both factors should be adjusted in a healthy manner. If you can see a solution to the challenge you are facing as something tangible, you have the resources to deal with it. Below, let’s look at some of the resources you can use to cope with stressful situations.

It’s not about eliminating the stress, it’s about dealing with it

Unfortunately, it is not possible to live completely without fear and stress. These mechanisms have guaranteed human survival, made advances, and acted in conjunction with emotions and behaviors in ways that made great change possible. As a result, there are a few things you should know about stressful situations:

  • Stress works in your favor. It will help you learn new adaptive behaviors.
  • You don’t have to eliminate the stress; instead, it is important to know how to control and regulate it.
  • To manage stress, you need to find strategies that best suit your needs and personality. This process takes time and requires commitment.

There are three specific dimensions to face stress.

It's not about eliminating the stress, it's about dealing with it

1. Control stressful situations with strategies that focus on judgment

How do you see this challenge, this problem or this complicated situation in front of you? From the moment you mark these situations, your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors determine the outcome. Thoughts like the following will increase your stress and anxiety:

  • “This is too much.”
  • “That’s awful.”
  • “It is impossible.”
  • “That’s a catastrophe.”

As a result, it is fundamental to pay attention to how you see the situation in front of you. This doesn’t mean you have to be easygoing and positive, or that you have to get dramatic. Instead, try to think along these lines:

  • I understand that feeling stress is normal and I will deal with it.
  • I know this situation is difficult. It will probably not go as I wish at first, but I will learn it step by step.

2. Managing stressful situations with strategies that focus on the emotional level

As you know, the emotional level is very important when it comes to controlling stressful situations. Your feelings can sometimes give you wings to take off in the midst of a stressful event. Or they can take your courage away and leave you cowering in a corner of fear and denial. Hence, it is important to take control of your inner universe as much as possible so that things turn in your favor. These are the keys:

  • Recognize the emotions that you are feeling.
  • Streamline. Find out which irrational thoughts feed these emotions.
  • Practice breathing and relaxation techniques. Practices like mindfulness can help you.

3. Strategies that focus on the problem

You have learned the importance of realistically assessing a problem and avoiding thoughts that debilitate or cause you anxiety. You also know that you need to control your emotions in order for things to go the way you want. After all, what is missing in order to learn how to cope with stressful situations?

A plan might be the most relevant strategy:

  • Develop strategies to best approach the problem.
  • Create your own “survival kit” so you are prepared for anything that might happen.
  • Prepare accordingly if an upcoming interview is stressful for you. If it’s a doctor’s appointment, try relaxation techniques and visualize possible situations. On the other hand, if a business deal is causing you stress, practice learning communication skills.

In summary, we can say that there will be many stressful situations in your life. And it’s perfectly normal to be afraid, but the key to overcome is to act, even though you’re scared. This will help you face any challenges that stand in your way.

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