How We Can Be Manipulated Unnoticed In 7 Ways

It is helpful to know different types of manipulation. That is why we describe some of them in this article. Are you ready to meet her?
How we can be manipulated unnoticed in 7 ways

We all want to influence the behavior of others in one way or another. However, sometimes people reach extremes where they not only want to influence but also want to exercise control. Once at this point, others are often manipulated by them unnoticed.

The underlying mechanisms are not complex. Most of them correspond to daily behaviors that go unnoticed. That is precisely why they are so problematic because they are present without us noticing them.

“The basic tool for manipulating reality is manipulating words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who use them. “

Philip Dick

In almost all cases we are infected with various basic feelings, such as fear, anger or sympathy. They are caused in us by external circumstances. We are manipulated by arousing these feelings and emotions in us for no reason to feel them.

It is therefore helpful to know and identify these types of manipulation. Below we would like to introduce you to seven ways in which we are manipulated unnoticed. Are you ready to meet her?

1. Feelings of guilt: a type of silent manipulation

Guilt is a feeling that can be very intense and cause us not to act sensibly. Guilt creates an uncomfortable feeling because we are basically faced with a code of conduct and behaviors that we accept and evaluate. In other words, we deal with it self-critically.

We are manipulated by feelings of guilt when others believe we have the right to judge our behavior and define whether what we are doing is good or bad. If you don’t have your own opinion, it’s very easy to be manipulated. In this way, others can easily get us to say or do what may only be beneficial for them, but which we ourselves mistakenly consider beneficial because it frees us from these feelings of guilt.

Five people point to a woman with bowed heads

2. Make us feel insecure

Insecurity is another one of those feelings that are often used by others to manipulate us. This happens in situations in which the other finds weaknesses in our beliefs or self-love and uses them to their advantage.

To be criticized negatively for what we do or say, make fun of or devalue ourselves – this is only possible because of our insecurity and through it we offer opportunities to manipulate ourselves. That is also the case if one wants to confuse us. Our smallest mistakes are exaggerated or our counterpart makes us believe that they know more about ourselves than we do.

3. Generate compassion

There are people who make victimization their main tool for manipulating others. They pretend to be very fragile, often unconsciously, or force themselves into the role of victim. In doing so, they want to generate compassion in the other and perhaps also make him feel guilty.

Black and white drawing of a woman hugging another person

Acting like someone who constantly needs help and attention from others is a way of manipulating others unnoticed. At some point we act because we feel sorry for the other without noticing that we have fallen into a network in which our behavior is controlled.

4. Nourish narcissism

As pleasant as they may be, we shouldn’t always believe flattery. Sometimes the idea is not to emphasize our strengths, but to weaken our protective shield and our will so that we can be more easily manipulated. If you compliment us, you wrap your finger around your finger, but there is often no good intention behind it.

The best antidote is to know yourself well. Nobody knows their strengths or weaknesses better than oneself. As a result, these exuberant expressions of admiration or flattery cannot surprise or soften us.

5. Subtle intimidation

To intimidate someone, you don’t have to yell at them or threaten them directly. People who manipulate their fellow human beings are experts at instilling fear in others, and often in subtle ways. Given certain behaviors, these people then simply try to subliminally point out dangers.

For example, we are manipulated when we are told that we have to act in a certain way if we do not want to run the risk of an unpleasant situation occurring. Obviously, this appeals to our common sense, but basically we only want to steer us through our fear.

6. Start a fight over nothing

People who start an argument about anything almost always try to manipulate us. At the slightest difference, they go to the ceiling and insist on something. Ultimately, they lead others to believe that they need to be treated in a special way in order to avoid conflict.

Arguing couple

This type of person manipulates us because this is how they manage that they are not criticized and nobody points out any mistakes. Over time we believe that we are the guilty party and that this person is not responsible for the conflicts. The manipulating part benefits from it.

7. Playing stupid

Those who act stupid pretend to have a weakness that they really don’t have. These people give hard work to others because “they can do better” . This means that they transfer difficult or otherwise unpopular tasks, so they do not have to do anything themselves and do not stress themselves.

Others also manipulate us by making us believe that they may not understand what we are saying, the consequences of their actions, or that they do not feel involved in a problem that affects them. In this way, their improper actions almost always go unpunished.

All of these forms of manipulation are harmful to both ourselves and whoever manipulates us. They lead to false and abusive attachments. Under no circumstances should we tolerate this, as these relationships do not lead to anything good.

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