5 Characteristics Of Influencers

We’ve all probably heard of influencers before, but do you know what qualities it takes? You can learn more about this topic in this article. 
5 characteristics of influencers

Technological progress means, among other things, that we find new ways of communication. We used to write letters to each other a few decades ago, but today we can send each other text messages made up of only emojis. This has also created new professions and models. We are therefore today looking at the  characteristics of influencers  who have become role models for many through these new media.

New forms of communication give us the opportunity to draw the attention of others to ourselves. Digital marketing is about making people aware of a product.

Advertising campaigns are used in a digital environment to find customers for a company’s products. This means that companies primarily use social media to spread their advertising.

This type of digital marketing has spawned a new type of profession to reach as many people as possible: influencers. Digital marketing agencies use them to advertise products, but also to spread messages about motivation and personal growth.

Sometimes influencers are only used to talk about life experiences.

5 characteristics of influencers


One of the main characteristics of influencers is that they are creative or original. They know how to get our attention.

This is how they build their influence and their followers want to know everything about them. Influencers post photos, videos and comments and capture our interest because they find original ways to share interesting or relevant content with us.

In this way, many influencers have become figureheads for certain ideas and companies. So they have to think carefully about what to say, but also how to say it. They know their audience is looking for that specific type of expression that makes the influencer unique.

We find a lot of influencers on Instagram.

Creativity is just as important to an influencer as intelligence. You need to know how to reach out to your current and potential audience. Basically, they need to have a steady stream of content so that people keep clicking on their profile.

Trust: one of the most important qualities of influencers

Many influencers have worked hard to gain the trust of their followers. The companies they hire to promote their products are aware of this.

Firms assume that an influencer’s followers will follow their recommendations, even if followers know that an influencer is being paid to promote a particular product.

In order to maintain their credibility, many influencers claim to only enter into contracts with companies whose products they really like and use themselves.

Other factors determine an influencer’s credibility. We tend to have more credibility with people who are successful or who we find attractive.

The number of followers an influencer has also plays a role. When influencers have a lot of followers, it seems like that influencer’s recommendations are particularly credible. We tell ourselves things like, “If this account has that many followers, it has to be very good.”


Influencers are assertive. They know what they want and communicate in that sense (or at least project this image). Assertiveness helps them communicate effectively so that their followers follow their recommendations.

Ultimately, this is a good quality that defines an influencer because:

  • Influencers feel influential.
  • The influencer feels superior.
  • It improves communication.
  • This enables him to control the medium.
  • It improves its relationship with its followers.

Assertiveness or the impression of being strong and independent is one of the most important qualities of influencers.

Think about it: who would follow someone who only chewed over what others tell them? It is one of the most salient features of influencers to post their personal opinions and ideas and assert them in discussions.


Influencers also have a role model function and thus responsibility. This goes hand in hand with their commitment and identification with their message. Their followers usually think influencers are fully aware of what they are saying and they are just criticizing someone who deserves it.

But their sense of responsibility also comes from another source. Influencers often feel indebted to the people who follow them. They are usually well aware of the fact that most of their income is generated thanks to their following.

Sociability is one of the characteristics of influencers that guarantees them a lot of likes on social networks.


Regardless of whether they are a natural or have learned to do so, influencers are great at interacting with people.

Businesses want influencers for their prospects, but that’s not the only reason. They also like that influencers have the ability to maintain a relationship with their current followers and are able to expand their reach on the internet.

Socializing helps influencers:

  • Find more followers on the net. Because influencers can interact very well with other people.
  • To be empathetic. Most influencers are great at communicating with other people and putting themselves in other people’s shoes.

These two characteristics make it easier for influencers to establish connections with their environment. Hence, they are usually good at following trends and interpreting current reality and the needs of their followers.

Being an influencer is not easy. It takes time, effort, and commitment. It’s also a lengthy process to earn the trust and interest of potential audiences. In addition, when it is difficult to be successful, it is even more difficult to remain successful.

Lots of influencers can’t handle the pressure and are giving up the spotlight they’ve been longing for. Because behind the scenes it is a very difficult “job” that demands a lot from you.



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