The Expression Of Emotions And The Associated Benefits

In the past, people often suppressed emotional and artistic expressions. Therefore, they also had to hide all negative feelings. Today the world can feel freer through the expression of emotions.
The expression of emotions and the benefits associated with them

Researchers found that appropriate expression of emotions is liberating at the clinical level. In addition, this emotional expression leads to greater general well-being in people, even if it is only a subjective sensation. Therefore, you should allow yourself to speak. Don’t keep anything to yourself. Dance and write even if you don’t want to share your feelings with anyone. Even if it’s just to get them out of your head.

In his bestseller on Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Daniel Goleman explains that a person’s success does not depend 100% on their IQ or academic training. Emotional intelligence plays an even more crucial role.

Daniel Goleman explains that emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize one’s own feelings and those of other people. All of this serves the purpose of dealing well with one’s emotions and cultivating more productive relationships with those around you.

People who have this ability know how to recognize their own emotions. In addition , they also know why they are feeling it. In fact, they recognize how their feelings affect their performance and are able to relate them to their values ​​and goals.

Expression of emotions - brain in love

Expression of emotions: seven advantages

It can be said that there are three sides to emotional intelligence. The first side is the ability to interact with other people and also the ability to regulate individual emotional information. The second modality involves organizing all aspects of personality that contribute to success. Finally, it can also be used to describe the ability to regulate and manage emotional information (Mayer et al. 2000).

Generally speaking, emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, understand, explain and deal with one’s own emotions and the emotions of other people (Goleman 1998; Mayer et al. 2000).

In addition , it includes the ability to be aware of the emotions themselves and how they influence and interact with the so-called traditional types of intelligence.

In this article we want to focus specifically on the part of emotional intelligence that has to do with expressing emotions . It consists of the ability to regulate and deal with emotional information. Therefore, expressing emotions and emotional awareness are skills that will help you in the following areas:

  • To separate yourself from emotions.
  • They make it easier for you to avoid and resolve conflicts.
  • You can recognize distortions and become aware of them.
  • In addition, they help you understand emotions.
  • You can also get understanding and help from them.
  • And they will help you relieve tension.


Society does not educate people to be emotionally intelligent. Indeed, some authors emphasize that it is particularly important at the moment to take into account the fact that our society today is very much characterized by aggressiveness, social conflicts in general and school violence in particular.

Therefore, in view of this general situation, the legitimate question arises whether people should not urgently create an appropriate educational framework. One that leads to a society where there are fewer “emotional abductions” cases.

Therefore, a greater understanding of your own and other people’s emotions is imperative. In addition, there must also be greater control over personal and social situations. And one that not only has the goal of creating “personal balance”, as suggested by the current education system. It is also about higher goals in terms of “social balance” (Gutiérrez & García Cué, 2015).

Expression of emotions - two people hug each other

As you can see, communication and the expression of emotions is an absolute necessity for societies in crisis. Because the human brain switches to autopilot and tends to perform the same actions over and over again, albeit in increasingly complex ways, when a person does not have sufficient emotional intelligence. But that is precisely the completely wrong approach in our world today.

According to Peter Salovey, one of the leading pioneers in research on emotional intelligence and health promotion, there will be research showing emotional expression for the next 10 years. In addition , it will be demonstrated that these competencies have a lot to do with a person’s performance in different areas. 

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