I Like People Who See Their Pets As Part Of The Family

I like people who enjoy having a dog or a cat. I enjoy watching them indulge their companions, these pets who are revolutionizing their personal universe without even knowing it. Because we begin to love our pets, to see our pets as part of the family, without our being aware of it.

Pets are more than just animals; they enter our hearts without warning, win our laughter and favorite place, until one day they stop being pets and become part of the family. And this change, this step that many people take by joining the world full of emotions, games, laughter and spontaneous accompaniment, brings new insights, consolidates values ​​and gives invaluable support for mental health.

People who understand and appreciate what it means to love an animal are especially generous. Your ability to muster affection and care, and to be patient and responsible, is something special. Because whether we like it or not, we can all still learn a lot from our pets: The way dogs take us into their families, their pack, or the ability of a cat to look at us with their pure and sensitive eyes Showing respect and affection are all things we should cherish.

Living with pets makes us better people

Man looks his dog in the eye

We’re not saying that those who don’t love animals, or just don’t like to share their space and time with them, are bad people. In fact, it’s about understanding something much simpler: at any point in time, an animal can offer us many things that we need. 

The world is home to many numb people. But one thing is clear: all furious contemporaries are able to show a pure and selfless love. Interestingly, if we look at the core meaning of the word ” animal” we will find that it is actually derived from anima or animus, which means owner of the soul or breath of life.

In many countries there are more than enough stories about dogs and cats acting as true spiritual guides for humanity, beings whose job it is to care for and guide us.

Animals can change us, and loving them can help us enjoy fulfilling lives. For example, by bringing a dog into an older person’s life, you are giving them the need for new routines, guidelines, and obligations. He will encourage you to open up to the world, increase positive reinforcement through emotions, and be a real companion who alleviates feelings of loneliness and combats a sedentary lifestyle.

Few things can be as healthy as a child growing up in the company of a pet. It helps him to be patient and respectful, to care for someone or something, and to form a unit where gestures and affection are more valuable than words. 

We adults are shown this love, which is sometimes quite strange: an affection offered without expecting anything in return, where there is no hate, which leads us to live in the here and now where it is not It is worth delaying a walk or a petting, where shared naps are pleasant moments of togetherness, where we forgive mischief and love to have her around like another member of the family.

Girl and cat jumping

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