Give Me Wings To Fly And Reasons To Stay

Give me wings to fly and reasons to stay

To love right means to love so that the other feels free. Love is not a boat that needs to be anchored. That means you should let love go, but keep the rudder in your hand. Of course, this is not an easy art – and nobody says it – but the reward is well worth the effort.

We need to free ourselves from the acquired slavery that keeps us short and long. A relationship is initially built on love, but at the same time reasons for separation are gathered.

Although building a fulfilling and warm relationship is not always easy, it depends on whether both partners maintain the right and the habit to stretch, groom and clean their wings, do them good and sometimes fly . In other words, there should be no coercion, just freedom.

Umbrella and heart

If we don’t want to fly

Sometimes our wings get lazy and adjust to the habit of having a life partner. We adjust to the calm the routine gives us and relax to a point where it becomes monotonous. The monotony leads to boredom and apathy, and eventually we lose interest and forget how to use the wings to fly.

But sometimes our wings are already injured and that’s why it hurts to fly. They were likely damaged during imprisonment, or beaten against our indifference while flapping desperately, and then they are unusable for long periods of time.

We can apologize whatever we want, but there probably isn’t any justification for not flying. In this context, a couple should help each other to encourage each other to spread their wings, broaden their horizons to find more treasure, and also enjoy the view of the world from above.

The root makes the tree solid

Helping our tree take root does not mean that we control everything or that what we have created is forever. Free and healthy relationships are dynamic and changeable, just like us humans.

To put down roots means to nourish our emotions, give them water and air to breathe. In this sense, the trust and balance that it gives us to work with wings is very important, as is the fact that we allow and enable the wings to get along with our roots.

That is, if we want a strong and stable relationship, then we have to stretch our wings in search of nourishment so that they can stay strong and healthy. Otherwise our roots will not get the nutrients they need to live and love will rot.

The root makes the tree solid

Nourish love while flying

In order to balance our partnership, we have to gather reasons to stay by flying. But watch out, collecting motifs is not the same as stacking things in an attic. Collecting motifs means nourishing every moment that helps maintain the fire of love, every laugh and every gesture.

The tree metaphor helps us understand the meaning of love in detail, not forgetting that if we cling too much, we lose perspective and nutrient. Just as we use our hope and joy as fertilizers for love, we need to support our choices and perseverance to sustain love.

So let us allow our love to be self-explanatory and allow our seeds to flourish freely. Let us let our wings enjoy flying and offer our help to the other to do so too. No, we shouldn’t give slavery a chance, that doesn’t go with love. Slavery is not love.

In short, the choice of where to put our roots should be free and our wings alive, so that they shine with excitement and also bring us confidence. Because, after all, this is the only way to make sense of our feelings.

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