“Just For Today “: A Technique To Increase Self-esteem

Just stop judging yourself for today and remind yourself that you are worth far more than you think you are. If you want to learn a simple and practical technique to gradually increase your self-esteem and stop boycotting your own success, then you should definitely read this article!
"Just for Today": A technique to increase self-esteem

When looking for ways to increase self-esteem, you will come across many different approaches. That’s because there are few things in human psychology that are as important as self-esteem. Abraham Maslow, for example, defined it as a basic human need. So, if you do not take steps to cultivate and increase self-esteem , it could prevent you from achieving self-actualization and finding true happiness.

In fact, poor self-esteem is the result of many of our problems, including anxiety disorders, depression, relationship problems and, in short, much of our daily suffering. Many psychological approaches and schools of thought have researched this topic for years and today provide us with in- depth knowledge and resources that can be helpful in rebuilding and strengthening self-esteem.

Why do many people neglect this aspect of their psyche?

There are two main reasons why many people continually neglect this aspect of their psyche. In general, the first reason is in childhood – the way someone grew up, whether their parents were concerned about showing appreciation for the child, making them safe and empowering them to be successful in life.

The second reason is especially important. Self-esteem is not a stable concept. This means that this is not something that you have achieved once and then have for the rest of your life. Because this aspect of the psychological and emotional architecture is often very susceptible to disturbances. Therefore, one bad relationship or experience and the way you interpret it can very quickly undermine and damage your self-esteem.

You could compare self-esteem to a garden. It needs almost daily care and attention. You will have to work hard to control the weeds, plant new good seeds, and regularly water the plants that grow there. With this in mind , let’s look at a technique below that you can use to promote this type of self-care.

Increase in self-esteem - free-standing tree

A technique to increase self-esteem

Many people worry about what others think of them. Sometimes this goes so far as to hide certain aspects of your personality just to be accepted and not judged. In addition, the mere fact that you are living with a narcissistic person can also cause you to lose your sense of self-worth.

You spend so much time gaining the affection or approval of that person (a narcissistic parent, narcissistic partner, etc.) that your self-esteem gradually disappears completely. Hence, it is very important that you distance yourself from this toxic person. Only then can you succeed in regenerating yourself from this trauma and gradually rebuilding your self-esteem.

As we mentioned earlier, building self-esteem is a daily task. Research conducted by J. Crocker and LE Parkh (2004) at the University of Houston, Texas, suggested that we spend our lives looking for sources that can help improve our self-esteem strengthen. This could be a new emotional bond, a good group of friends, a good job, and so on.

However, this external search is ultimately unsuccessful. The best way to increase your self-esteem is to focus your efforts on yourself. Because you cannot look outside for something that you don’t have inside.

“Just for today” – mental exercises to help you make peace with your inner self

Self-sabotage is the opposite of self-esteem. This practice, which adversely affects your identity and psychological well-being, usually takes the form of negative and harmful internal dialogue: “I will never be good at this no matter how hard I try”, “I don’t have to try anything else because I know I will fail anyway ” or “ I’m not as ambitious or capable as the others. I know that I will only let them down ”.

At some point you come to a point where your brain gets used to thoughts like this. Now at the latest you have to break this cycle, deactivate and change it. One way to do this is to use the “Today Only” technique. And this is how it works:

  • You use a number of simple but very powerful ideas to change the way you look at life. By doing this, you can make peace with yourself, awaken your potential, and change all of the negative ideas you have developed over the years.
  • These ideas and resolutions should help you shut down your negative inner dialogue.
  • In addition, you should work on a different aspect of your self-esteem every day.

Here are some examples of resolutions you could make:

  • For today only, I will be lenient and loving to myself. I will remind myself that I am brave and should love myself as I deserve.
  • I’ll set myself a goal for today only. I will achieve this goal and remind you that I am a capable, courageous and talented person.
  • Today I will distance myself from anything that hurts me or makes me doubt and discomfort. For today only, will I allow myself to do the things I want, the things that make me laugh and thereby build my self-esteem.
Increase in self-esteem - woman smiles at herself in the mirror

The best way to increase self-esteem is to break free of fear and insecurity

If you live in a feeling of insecurity and intense fear of failure, or fear not meeting other people’s expectations, and constantly doubt whether you are good enough, then you are sabotaging yourself in every possible way. These are all your very personal thoughts. Therefore, only you can change it. So if you want to change this habit, the first thing you need to do is raise your awareness of these negative thoughts.

You need to train your brain, harmonize your emotions, and acquire behaviors that make you feel like you are capable. In addition, you should surround yourself with people who enrich your life and help you reach your potential. If you want to increase your self-esteem, you can also use the “Just for Today” technique. It’s simple, effective, and could ultimately change your whole life.

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