7 Quotes From Oscar Wilde That Will Inspire You

7 quotes from Oscar Wilde that will inspire you

Oscar Wilde was known for his special sense of humor. Convinced that people never listen, he once used as an excuse for being late to the dinner party that he should have buried an aunt whom he had just killed. The hostess replied: “Don’t worry, the main thing is that you have come.”

The son of a writer and a surgeon , he  became famous for his play Being Serious is Everything  and the only novel he wrote, The Portrait of Dorian Gray. He was also known for the things he said that showed his way of being. Let’s check out a few of them here.

Make the most of your life

“It’s really rare for anyone to be alive. Most people exist, that’s all. “

Distractions existed in Oscar Wilde’s day, but there are many more today. It is not uncommon for us to see someone walking down the street who is completely fixated on their smartphone and does not notice anything or anyone around them. We fail to look up and observe the environment. But life cannot be seen on a computer monitor or cell phone display. Life is what we touch, smell and feel when we look at the real world.

The importance of making mistakes

“Experience is just the name we give our mistakes.”

We make mistakes all our lives, and it is precisely these mistakes that teach us what should not happen again. The lessons life teaches us are what we call experience.

A person’s real strength lies in learning from every experience, be it positive or negative. Strength is getting up every time you are thrown on the ground with hope for the future, rejecting the idea that the past is the best prediction of what will happen.

The rules for writing, according to Oscar Wilde

“There are no more than two rules for writing: to have something to say and to say it.”

Oscar Wilde has written a lot of plays, stories and poems and in the end he felt that the most important thing is to have something to say and to do it. Many writers have come up with numerous rules for writing that other writers have either followed or redefined.

In reality, when it comes to writing or stumbling through life , only two things are important: having an idea and putting it into action. You can read rules and follow them, but it is fundamental to encourage your creativity, to create and implement your own ideas. Dreams are wonderful, but having the courage to make them come true is essential.

Love the most important person in your life

“Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.”

Having good self-confidence and loving yourself is the basis for a healthy life. Other people’s opinions affect us too much and we say too many negative things about ourselves. It is important to limit that and think about all the good and beautiful things that you have in life.

Stop for a second and think about the things you say to yourself every day. Replace “I can’t”   with “I will”Willpower is the first step towards being able to do what you want. Don’t let your mind tell you negative things, don’t build walls around your existence.

Celebrate your friends’ achievements

“Anyone can sympathize with a friend’s suffering, but it takes a fine nature to sympathize with a friend’s success.”

In our society, envy of the successes of others prevails. Many people pretend to be happy when things go well for someone else, but fail to actually accept and be happy for others’ success. Because inside they are eaten away by envy.

Oscar Wilde was an important person in his day. He was born into a well-off family and lived a comfortable life. But at one point he made a mistake and was sent to prison for two years. When he was released, he moved to Paris, changed his name and died in utter poverty at the age of 46.

Learn to be genuinely happy about your friends’ achievements. This sensitivity is also needed to maintain healthy and long-lasting relationships with other people. Find people who are happy about your successes and celebrate honestly with you!

Act now

“When we fully understand the scientific laws that describe the world, then we will realize that the man who has more illusions than the dreamer is the man of action.”

We spend a lot of time dreaming and thinking about what we want to do – but we are actually absorbed into daily chores. This forces us to let our hope sink, as we feel further and further removed from our dreams and do nothing to achieve them, take a risk, and step out of our comfort zone.

Oscar Wilde was a dreamer, but just being a dreamer is not enough; you also have to get to the point. Find something you are passionate about and make it a part of your life. You only live once and your time is limited, so throw yourself into your passions and enjoy every minute, every heartbeat, as much as possible.

Follow your heart and do crazy things

“The world was made for normal people by madmen.”

In this life you have to do crazy things and follow your heart and intuition. Your heart already knows what you want, and even if your head says no, listen to your heart. Remember that many people who have experienced great things in human history were considered insane in their day.

If you want to go on a trip, go for it. If you want to kiss someone you are attracted to, just kiss them. If you don’t like your job, quit and find another one. If you want to paint, buy a canvas and paint and start painting. It’s your life, no one will live it for you. Nobody will ever give it back to you so that you can live it again.

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