For Some People, Taking Is More Blessed Than Giving

For some people, taking is more blessed than giving

Many of our fellow human beings are downright dependent on constantly asking for something without giving anything in return. These are people who profit from certain situations and believe that their interests are paramount.

Usually they do not wonder whether their requests are fair or unjust, because all they can do is think about their own interests. Of course there are more or less disguised egoists, but in general we can say that over time we can look behind their masks and thus protect ourselves from them.

Nevertheless, there are quite a few smiles behind which a presumptuous request is hidden from time to time. Because, as with all other demands in our life, there is not only black and white.

This is particularly dangerous to our emotional integrity because it makes us feel guilty if we don’t give them what they ask for when we could.

To avoid this, we should listen to our mental balance, which allows us to weigh in a more objective way whether our behavior will be mutual or whether we will always end up as “losers”.

Redhead woman

Don’t confuse good nature with naivety

As the saying goes, it’s one thing to be good-natured, but not to be naive. Often the latter happens to us because we want to be good-natured. Unfortunately, the consequence of this is that we are then taken advantage of by others.

So we give everything from ourselves over a longer period of time without expecting anything in return. However, sometimes we come to a point where we realize that we are not getting what we were hoping for.

In such situations, it is quite normal to feel sad, disappointed, angry, and taken advantage of. How can it be that we are let down by someone we have done everything for when we need him?

Once again we are all alone with our problem, because whoever expects a lot can unfortunately be disappointed to the same extent.

Worried woman

Sometimes we give everything and get nothing in return

There is only a fine line between needing and abusing our trust. We are only happy when we please everyone, which is why we have to be careful not to make the mistake and simply give everything because we feel pressured or morally obliged to do something.

Every relationship should be mutual so that this invisible bond never breaks or breaks.

We don’t always feel abused this way, of course, but we feel that others don’t react the way we would and that disappoints us and makes us feel exploited.

It is best to be careful, to assess the situation carefully and to be patient before we assume that someone is simply trying to tear the last shirt off our bodies. That is to say, we should be able to let the actions count more than the feelings.

Girl in the moon

Don’t let others make you who you are not

There are people, also called emotional vampires, who are only out for their own benefit. Once you’ve exposed them, distance yourself from them and set emotional boundaries so they don’t destroy your identity. It should be clear to you that every relationship should always be reciprocal, without the small print of this “contract” saying: “I only give you as much as you give me”.

Giving to get does not mean that we should give back in the same way, but it always involves mutual willingness and the willingness to do so for the other. Both sides of a relationship should feel this way and also let the other person understand it, because otherwise we will destroy something in this exchange.

Be especially careful not to enter into relationships with the vampires described above. Say “no” when you feel like putting an end to a request. But be determined, get yourself respect and always remember that everything you do has its price. And the price should always be that you feel good in return.

Images courtesy of Nicoleta Ceccoli, Benjamin Lacombe, natalia_maroz

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