Ho’oponopono: A Technique For Taking Emotional Responsibility

Ho'oponopono: a technique for taking emotional responsibility

Ho’oponopono is an ancient concept for a modern world. This is a Hawaiian art of solving problems, taking into account the emotional consequences of solving the problem. These are precisely the consequences that we often do not have in mind. To do this, we need to be able to ask for forgiveness, correct our mistakes, change our behavior, and be kind. In the end, it is a mental hygiene strategy through which we can appropriately assume emotional responsibility.

Ho’oponopono is a practice that has been rooted in various Polynesian islands for centuries, and although it had a clearly spiritual connotation for local residents – its purpose was to connect with one’s divinity – this interesting philosophy did not reach the western world until 1976.

I love you, and if I have made you feel hostile, then I am sorry and I ask your forgiveness. Thanks!

It was Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a priestess and Hawaiian healer, who adapted the traditional Ho’oponopono to the social realities of today. It is said of her that her success was a real treasure, a gift in the field of personal growth, and most importantly, to the world of positive psychology. In the past this practice was done with all members of the family in a group, but nowadays it is done more individually so that it can work for us whenever and exactly when we need it.

Ho’oponopono enables us to shed ballast, free ourselves from tension, correct mistakes and solve all those stuck problems that sooner or later, as we already know, lead to disease. With the help of this old technique, we can do this much more easily.

Dandelions in the air

Ho’oponopono – a practice for a better coexistence

Hawaiians believed that the “Aka” connected people to one another. This is a kind of ethereal channel through which life energy flows. Sometimes this invisible channel or connection becomes weaker or sick because of our differences, our problems we take away from the past, our lies, said or hidden words. The energy then no longer flows with such harmony and then it happens that discomfort, problems and disturbances arise from it.

The Ho’oponopono helps us to heal the Aka. Not only does it repair the connection with the people we care about, but it also enables us to reconnect with ourselves. For if there is one thing that defines this philosophy, it is the ability to practice kindness in the broadest sense, as well as active and embracing forgiveness that begins with ourselves and can discern what is ethical, virtuous and noble.

Nonetheless, of course, we are not dealing with a form of psychology that is scientifically based. Yet despite its spiritual rather than experimental tradition, it has been very useful in solving various social problems such as crime, disputes between neighbors, within families, between tribes, and even existential problems for much of the Hawaiian population.

Woman makes birds fly

For example, Ho’oponopono is known to be successful in prison programs. The tribal elders led inmates in this practice to resolve tension and conflict in order to facilitate appropriate emotional detox that would improve coexistence in prisons in Hawaii.

Divinity, purge everything in me that causes this problem to arise; make it possible for everyone involved to see what is perfect and right.

How can we use Ho’oponopono in our everyday life?

Ho’oponopono stands for forgiveness and emotional responsibility. What defines this type of philosophy is that we need to understand something fundamental: Any conflict arises of itself. We must not blame others for what happens to us, what disturbs us or what upsets us. We all have the power to use kindness, common sense, and ethical and emotional coherence to change things for our own benefit.

In order for us to succeed, so that we can give shape to this healing energy that is hidden behind Ho’oponopono, we should implement the following strategies:

Mandalas Ho'oponopono

The 5 steps of the Ho’oponopono

  • The first step is to become aware of our attitudes, emotions, or negative behaviors that separate us from the people we love, who affect our well-being and personal freedom.
  • Next, we will take responsibility for what we do, what has been said and not said, what has been done or avoided, what we have not tried, and the mistakes we have made and their consequences.
  • Next, it is time to visualize and feel love. We must vividly experience the love we feel for this or that person whom we have neglected. We will open an “inner channel” that connects with the other person.
  • Now we must take the step to ask for forgiveness. But there is something important to consider: in Western culture, we tend to say, “I’m sorry”  and think that’s that. However, in order to close the circle, we must also receive the other person’s forgiveness, we must hear an “I forgive you”  .
  • The last step, but no less important, is to experience liberation. The Hawaiians used to say that when the Aka reconnected with us, when the bond was healed, our souls would be free again.

The fifth step gives a wonderful feeling that allows us to feel more complete, lighter and more prepared to resume our path with more confidence and wisdom. As we can see, Ho’oponopono is an extraordinary type of philosophy that allows us to improve our well-being and the quality of our relationships. We should try this technique today.


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