There Is Abuse That Does Not Leave Wounds On The Skin But In The Soul

There is abuse that does not leave wounds on the skin, but on the soul

There is abuse that leaves no physical traces, but instead leaves emotional traces and wounds that are difficult to heal and heal. These are situations in which one person hurts another in a relationship on a daily basis with contempt, ignorance or criticism. A word, a gesture, or just being silent can be enough to hurt the other’s heart and are the weapons used in emotional abuse.

Emotional abuse resembles a process of psychological destruction in which a person’s strength is greatly diminished.

Fooling around to strike

In today’s age, gender, and social status, we often encounter emotional abuse. Be it in a partnership, in the family or even at work – we can all fall victim to such a situation at any time in our lives.

Woman with wolf mask

The dangerous thing about abuse of this kind is its tragic consequences despite the high likelihood that it will go undetected: Emotional abuse is a silent process that has been going on for a long time when it is finally discovered. It begins slowly and usually starts with a person who puts on a lovely mask in order to dupe his victim and then strike.

Emotional abuse is particularly common in partnerships. The reality that someone who abuses another person presents to the outside world is a false reality, full of promises and desires that will never come true.

Whoever abuses someone else sets traps for his victim so that he gradually gets further and further into his clutches and he can ultimately influence it in order to hold it in his hand and rob him of all freedom.

The power of the mental prison

Emotional abuse is so destructive that it can obliterate a person’s identity and rob them of all their power. Anyone who is a victim of emotional abuse is therefore trapped in a prison of insecurity in which their self-esteem is steadily weakened.

When the victim has been captured, the abusive part slowly takes off his mask by despising them, punishing them with criticism, insults or even silence. Therefore, the traces of this abuse are not physical and there are no visible wounds on the victim’s skin. The emotional abuse is carried out through words, gestures, or in silence.

Since the injuries that arise in these situations are so great, the victim’s fear also takes on enormous dimensions, which is why it is often impossible for him to free himself. The mental prison is so solid that the victim cannot defend himself and see no way out.

Girl sits in the cage

The invisible wounds in the soul

The wounds of emotional abuse are so deep that they reach into the victim’s soul. We can neither see nor hear them, but they are very painful for those who have to endure them. These are wounds that are invisible to third parties and mean unbearable suffering for the victim. They are wounds caused by the contempt, discrediting and meanness that the abusive person inflicted on his victim. It is wounds marked by fear, feelings of guilt and doubt that lead those affected to believe that there is no way for them to get out of the situation.

The injuries caused by emotional abuse tear a deep hole in the self-esteem of the person concerned .

These wounds not only bleed every time they meet, but also at the thought of it happening again. It is therefore most important that the sufferer realizes that he has the opportunity to escape the situation in which he is and that he thinks that these wounds can be healed with help.

Heart as a puppet on someone else's finger

How can the mental wounds of emotional abuse be healed?

The key to healing is for the victim to become aware that they are trapped in a situation for which the abusing person is responsible and to blame, not the victim. Therefore, the first step in being free is this Realizing that we are being emotionally abused.

As soon as we understand the predicament we are in, we should have our emotional wounds healed with the support of our loved ones or psychologists who offer appropriate therapies so that we can find a way out of the situation and look forward again. Little by little we can plug some of the holes that have arisen inside us with loving gestures from the people around us.

Healing the wounds in our souls caused by emotional abuse will not be an easy and quicker process, but a complex and slow process. However, the satisfying feeling of rediscovering ourselves as human beings is worth the effort.

Last but not least, we should not forget that each and every one of us can hurt the souls of others if we disregard, ignore or criticize our fellow human beings. Our words and gestures can be sharp swords that we must handle with care.

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