When The End Leaves No Room To Imagine Something New

When the end leaves no room to imagine something new

I don’t understand how that could happen. I can’t believe it’s over How can it end when it was my life?   These could be some of your thoughts right now. The end leaves no room for imagining a new beginning.

If such thoughts cross your mind, it is precisely because you are still living in the past and cannot get over it. The story is over, but for you it has not yet come to an end. There are no more new events in it, but you cannot accept that.

However, the end is only the final tangible evidence of an experience that will always be part of you. Of course it means that you have to say goodbye, but it also means that you have experienced something that no one can take away from you because it belongs to you.

An end can also be a new beginning

Right now you are living in a chaotic state of restlessness, in the contradiction between what reality actually looks like and what you wish for. This is normal and there is no reason to be ashamed of it. We’ve all felt at one point or another that we were losing something that we wished for.

It may be strange to start a story with an ending. But every end is also a beginning. We just don’t know at this point.

Mitch Alborn

However, when the end is near and you’ve gone through a period of total confusion, it’s time to give yourself a push. This will help you get back on your feet, heal your wounds, and start over.

When faced with an end, why not start with something new? It’s about picking up any positive aspects of something that can no longer exist. You don’t have to start your whole life from scratch, but you mature from your previous experiences.

One capital letter after the end of the sentence

Ellipses that should cover the end of a sentence are not healthy for anyone, there are no exceptions. When something can’t go on, or when the time comes to pack your bags and leave, no one will benefit from denying it and doing more harm to yourself.

New stories are waiting for you out there. These stories should start with capital letters. There your reflection in the mirror will remind you that you can find yourself again after losing yourself.

Julio Cortazar said that as long as you have the courage to admit that all is lost, nothing is lost. So giving up is not an option when you are about to take the toughest step of locking the door to a home that you can no longer live in.

Don’t just see the end of the old streets; New beginnings usually take place when you leave them.

Maldita Nerea

Begin to understand

It will be difficult, it will be strange, it will take courage, but you can do it. The moment you become aware that you are feeling lost, new opportunities will open up for you.

Little by little you will understand and only when you have fully understood what happened to you will you find your peace. You will feel better, and at the same time have better relationships with other people, as you complete your life, accept what has happened, and heal your wounds.

Making peace with yourself is the surest way to live in peace with others.

Luís de León

With all of this, is it okay to remember the end? Yes, of course, but you cannot continue to live in it. It does not exist anymore. It’s a reminder, and memories are filtered and saved. Imagine new beginnings, find a way to live in the present, and use what it has to offer you every day.


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