Harvard Psychologists: How To Raise “good ” Children

Raising children is often difficult, but there are many tips and strategies that will help you raise happy, responsible children.
Harvard Psychologists: This is how you raise "good" children

How do you raise “good” children? Children who are later able to contribute to general welfare; People who are altruistic, respectful and emotionally competent in adulthood. Upbringing questions are complicated, parents have to make a lot of efforts, do without things and be good role models themselves.

Few skills are as powerful as the ability to do good. Good people turn their friendliness into a lifestyle that also has a positive effect on those around them. You become better people yourself and change others. They also recognize the real priorities in every life situation.

Plato already knew that in the search for the well-being of our fellow human beings we also find our own. Therefore we should try to raise our children with this human power. In an increasingly complex and sometimes chaotic world, the heart is a beacon that should also point the way for new generations.

Father with his son on his shoulders demonstrating how to raise "good" children

How to raise “good” children

Parents want nothing more than to raise happy, healthy, good and intelligent children. But how can that be achieved?

In the publishing market we can find books of all kinds. From maximizing the child’s brain to raising them to emotional intelligence. Any theory is interesting and as such it is worth putting into practice.

Yet despite all the methods used by gurus, parenting and child-rearing are difficult and present us with new challenges every day. Sometimes we ask a lot of children and very little of ourselves. But we must be their role model, refuge and reference in every situation.

So when it comes to raising “good” children, it is interesting to know what studies from Harvard psychologists have to say. Of course, we must not lose sight of our intuition, common sense and conscious parenting that understands the needs of the little ones in every moment.

1. Time is not money, it is life

One key to understanding how to raise “good” children is to be present as a parent. This presence requires two things: You should be attentive to your children and be close to them.

It is not enough to sit in a park and look at the cell phone while they are playing. You shouldn’t just turn on your Playstation or tablet while doing other things yourself. Presence in parenting requires intent, constant interaction, and positive stimulation . You have to talk to your children, play, accompany them, lead them, encourage new discoveries …

We know that time is money and that it is not always easy to reconcile professional commitments with private ones. However, you should try to turn your free time with your children into magical moments.

2. Enriching dialogues

A study by Harvard University in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) suggests that early language use is an essential stimulus for a child’s cognitive and emotional development.

Daily communication should therefore play an important role in bringing up “good” children. Have fun, fun, engaging and interesting conversations with your children. You also promote empathy, the ability to actively listen and improve frustration tolerance.

3. Gratitude and how to raise “good” children

Gratitude doesn’t mean saying “thank you” all the time. It’s more about generosity, friendliness, appreciating the little things in everyday life, altruism and respect for others. 

You want your children to learn gratitude from you. Behave in an exemplary manner so that your children can see how important it is to be grateful for the world in which they are growing up.

4. The ability to solve problems

Another key that Harvard psychologists recommend in raising “good” children is problem-solving skills. Nothing is as constructive and enriching as teaching children basic skills so that they can solve the most important challenges in their daily lives.

In this way you achieve autonomy and develop responsibility. You should also show them that helping others with problems is essential. 

This is how you raise "good" children: love for people and animals

5. The world beyond technology

In our modern world, children have been real digital natives since they were born. Soon they begin to understand their whole reality through screens: they spend their free time, their social relationships, discover new things and see themselves reflected in them. Technologies have advantages, but also risks.

Children should understand that there is not only a virtual, but also a real world that  offers far more possibilities, satisfaction, charms and happiness. You should encourage their mental and emotional openness to find motivation and explore the real universe.

Sport or music are excellent opportunities that  are very enriching and create feelings of happiness. Motivate your child, it’s worth it!

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