Behaviors That Make You Linger In Unhappy Relationships

Behaviors that make you linger in unhappy relationships

Relationships and love are not just about giving each other boxes of chocolates for Valentine’s Day or being very attentive.

A satisfying and healthy relationship can make you a better, happier, healthier person. This requires good communication, respect and good manners as a couple.

The accompaniment of another person should give your life added value and not satisfy an emotional deficiency.

Gottfried Kerstin

If there is a lack of communication, respect and good manners, unhappy relationships develop. It is even worse to indulge in such relationships for the sake of comfort, exhibiting the following behaviors:

Don’t listen to your intuition

Your inner voice has been whispering to you for some time that your partnership is not what it claims to be?

At the beginning of a relationship, you’re usually in seventh heaven. This is the part of being in love that brings us closer to the other person: We overlook their quirks and overestimate their qualities.

It becomes problematic when certain unhealthy behaviors occur or we notice them, such as lies, strange behavior and strong jealousy.

If you find yourself in a situation like this, don’t think about it in endless loops. Otherwise, you’ll start into such an unhappy relationship that you certainly don’t want to.

Analyze the situation and if you find that you are developing unhealthy behaviors, consider the possible alternatives:

In some cases it can be a good idea to seek professional help. In other cases, it is more appropriate to break up to avoid more serious problems in the future.

“Intuition is a divine gift, the thinking mind a faithful servant. It is paradoxical that today we have begun to worship the servant and desecrate the divine gift. “

Albert Einstein


Fear of life in partnership

If your family is just a little like mine, then everyone wants to know when you’re finally getting married. They worry about you being single regardless of your age or your life goals. This is common and you need to learn how to use it instead of obsessing over it.

Many unhappy relationships grow out of this worry. Both women and men are tempted to enter into a relationship in order to avoid these constant questions.

“The problem is that we live in a happy ending culture, a culture of ‘as it should be’ instead of ‘as it is’. If we had been spared this illusion, we would probably be less neurotic. “


Once you’re engaged, outside pressure begins to get married. Eventually you get married and after a while you find yourself in a relationship that nobody wanted so much.

It is best if you do not care about external pressure. If you’re not ready now, explain this to whoever asks you.

Everyone has their own time and we have to learn to respect it.

We are satisfied

This behavior is related to the previous one, but the two do not always occur together. It’s about those situations where you maintain a relationship with a person in order to avoid asking questions, but without really loving that person.

Maybe you like them but you don’t love them or there are things that you can’t stand at all. But you adapt because it’s easier than taking social pressures.

Of course, it can also be that there is no external pressure at all. Perhaps your biggest dream is to get married and have children and to have a stable family.

Then you search until you find someone who wants more or less the same thing as you. It is very likely that this person does not meet all your expectations, but because he is ready to give you what you want you take it.

You can imagine that in either of these two situations you find yourself in an unhappy relationship. In the beginning it may still work. But over the years the problems will grow.

“Never settle for being the ‘something’ for one person when you can be the ‘everything’ for someone else.”



How can you change these behaviors?

We all have intuition, even if we don’t always listen to it. Following her is the best way to avoid and end unhappy relationships. You just have to listen to what your feelings are telling you.

It’s always about avoiding the pain and suffering. That is normal.

Hence, we have two options in unhappy relationships: to step out of them or to convince ourselves that everything is fine. To stay healthy, it is best to end unhappy relationships.

It’s not easy, but you take control of your life and you can look for a relationship that makes you really happy.

“To be guided by intuition is not the same as to be guided by impulses. The intuition sees further than your eyes, the impulse is daring and blind. “


Images courtesy of Nicoletta Ceccoli, Claudia Tremblay, Melissa Copeland

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