Friends Are …

Friends are...

Friends are the ones who stay after a party to help clean up. They are those special people who prepare a celebration with us or do something without us, which they will tell us about later, so that one day we have more stories to tell than just our own.

Friends are those unique people who stay with us until we put a final point in a story because they know we might need them to the last letter. They can’t read our minds, but they can see the glow in our eyes or our hands trembling with fear. We see something in them that we cannot take our time. We meet them again after years and this bond is still there.

Friends are all those who have looked down with us into the deepest abyss and also up to the stars and for whose company we were grateful on both paths. Towards the abyss because it would have been much worse without them, and towards the stars because it was even more beautiful with them.

Friends are those wonderful people in whom we partially recognize ourselves and in whom we see something that we admire

Friends are those wonderful people in whom we partially recognize ourselves and in whom we see something that sets them apart from us and that we admire. They can put a smile on our faces when we actually have no reason to laugh. They calm us down when our nerves are extremely tense. We are carried away by your courage when we have every reason to be fearful. Their cheerfulness cheers us up when everything seems lost. Their perseverance bears fruit when we have already assured them that we will not get ready today and will dare to go out on the streets.

They lovingly remind us that their door is always open to us. They pick us up at the train station, even if they have to leave everything behind. They know that we will shake hands with them afterwards and we do that even though we come back from our trip completely exhausted.

Of course we don’t expect a tidy house and a made bed. Mutual trust is responsible for the fact that we immediately participate in each other’s life again, even if we haven’t seen each other for a long time. But a friend is really looking forward to it because he really wants to see us again, tell us something and listen to us.

“A friend increases our satisfaction and reduces our discomfort, doubles our joy and shares our pain.”


Friends are those special people who know our essence and whose essence we know

Friends are these unique people, some of whom can remember our anecdotes better than we do ourselves. We listened to them when they told us the story of a lost suitcase. When our friend in Japan had to get by with the same underwear for days, until at some point she borrowed a pair of underpants from the neighbor, which she found very ugly, even terrible, and we laugh because we laugh every time our friend tells us this story to imagine these hideous underpants in a different way.

We even searched Google for what those ugly underpants look like in Japan. And there were a lot of ugly, horribly ugly underpants as hits. They are now also saved in the cell phone and can be fetched out in case the story is told again. Part of their life has become ours. This is a gift that we get and give away ourselves.

“In good times our friends know us, in bad times we know our friends.”

John Churton Collins

Friends are those people who …

… don’t hesitate to answer us, especially if you feel that we don’t need a long answer, just a confirmation that you are there. They accompany us to spend more time with us, not because it suits them or because they are afraid that something will happen to us.

“I live around the corner from here.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll go with you.”

Friends are very valuable and there aren’t many true friends. They are not like a dime a dozen. They are special in the way they treat us. But above all, they are extraordinary because they are your friends and they do not exist a second time, even if, interestingly, some are similar.

Every friend is unique, even if your friends are similar.

Friends are all those people who   let your wounds heal with “nonsense, it doesn’t matter” and who replace your tears of pain with those of a laugh. Friends are there for us with helpful advice when we need it to solve a problem, rather than letting us take the world too seriously when the time comes to switch off something and take a break to see something later to tackle again. Because true friends are always there for us, no matter when.

True friends can be counted on one hand

True friends can be counted on one hand. This
is not surprising to most of us … >>> More

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