A Short Story About Prejudice: “The Cookie Thief “

This short story about prejudice tells the story of a woman who has suffered a lot. She was very angry and that anger was deep in her heart. So she always saw things in her life in a very dim light.
A short story about prejudice: "The Cookie Thief"

This short story about prejudice tells of a woman who was angry with the whole world. She felt very lonely and thought that no one would understand her. Although she did not trust anyone and avoided contact with people, she still complained about her loneliness.

But it wasn’t always like that. When she was young, she fell in love with her dream man and married him. Together they had two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. The woman was very happy. However, her husband died very early and after that her whole life changed. Since then she has not laughed any more and withdrew; she even avoided her own children.

As soon as the children were old enough, they left home. Although their youth had been very difficult, as their mother asked a lot of them and constantly criticized them, they both loved their mother very much. They visited her regularly and did their best to deal with the mother’s sadness and bitterness.

about prejudice - hand puts a heart in another hand

An unexpected visitor

Since the daughter did not want her mother to live alone and bitter, one day she asked her mother if she would not like to spend the summer with her and the family. Maybe a change of location would be good for the mother and she could at least feel comfortable in her life and in the family circle for a while.

The short story about prejudice tells us that the mother thought about this invitation for a long time. Finally she agreed and wanted to visit her daughter. She also wanted to avoid people thinking she was a bad mother. So on the day of departure she took her suitcase and went to the train station. However, she didn’t seem happy in any way. She looked pained and depressed.

After buying her ticket, she sat on a bench and waited for the train. After a short time two employees of the railway came and informed her that her train was delayed. So she wouldn’t be arriving at her destination for a few hours. The woman then became very angry, but there was nothing she could do about the situation. Since it was very hot, she bought a bottle of water and a bag of biscuits. Then she waited on the platform.

about prejudice - smiling young man

A special companion

The woman put the bag of biscuits and the water bottle in her handbag. A moment later a smiling young man sat down next to her on the bench. Our short story about prejudice tells us that she stayed on the bench when she actually preferred to wait for the train by herself. However, she didn’t want people to think she was rude, so she stayed seated.

A few minutes passed. Then the young man began to eat cookies from a bag. The woman then looked at her bag and saw that it was slightly open. The young man went on eating. Since she was convinced that he was eating her cookies, she got angrier and angrier.

The young man smiled. Then he took a sip of water. The woman could hardly believe her eyes, she was stunned. Not only had he stolen their cookies, but also their water. And now he ate her cookies and shamelessly drank her water right in front of her eyes. So she took the bottle the man had just put down and took a sip from it. The man kept smiling.

about prejudice - elderly woman looks out the window

The moral of this short story about prejudice

By the time her train got to the station, she ate as many cookies as the man ate. Every time he took a biscuit, she took one too and looked defiantly at him. When he drank water, she drank the water too.

After a few minutes there was only one cookie left in the bag. The woman looked intently at the young man. She couldn’t believe he dared eat the last cookie. The young man then looked at her, took the biscuit, broke it and offered her half of the biscuit. Sullen, she took the cookie and cursed it in her mind. Then he offered her half of the remaining water.

Finally the train reached its destination. The woman then took her suitcase and left the train. She got in her car and was still very angry. This short story about prejudice tells us that the woman was really furious.

Then she opened her bag and found her bag of biscuits and her water bottle. She looked out the window and saw that the man was smiling at her.

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