Admitting Our Own Mistakes Helps Us Forgive Others

Admitting our own mistakes helps us forgive others

Everybody makes mistakes. We often have to forgive others in the course of our lives and sooner or later we will be happy if we are forgiven too at some point. It is said that there are three key moments that tell whether it is true love: when we suffer defeat, when we are sick, and when we need to forgive. If you are unable to forgive, your pride may be greater than your love for that person.

In some ways, we often do not see the damage we do to others in its entirety. As we see this through our eyes, we tend to justify ourselves or find excuses for our actions. On the other hand, when people hurt us, we attribute it to their personality and it often happens that we consider their behavior to be deliberate, which upsets us emotionally and makes it difficult for us to forgive.

Acknowledging that we also make mistakes frees us from being those little tyrants who justify everything they do but immediately punish others for wrongdoing. Forgiving someone is not just a gesture to them, but the noblest gesture to ourselves.

I'm sorry

Those who cannot forgive do not yet know what true love is

It is also good for us to forgive others

We have all experienced a situation where we had to forgive someone or where we asked for forgiveness. Or a situation in which we were consciously or unconsciously hurt or we hurt someone. Often times, forgiveness is a little misunderstood.

We may think that once we forgive, we would agree with someone or protect the person who hurt us. Or we are of the opinion that to forgive is a synonym for forgetting, we thereby make what has happened less important, we resign or give in. But that is by no means the case, we forgive for ourselves and for no one else.

To forgive does not mean that we no longer mind the pain inflicted on us, we do not care about it, or that we have to act as if nothing happened. It means that we accept what happened as part of our life and we put aside our negative feelings and thoughts for once to move on with our lives.

If we do not forgive, we will continue to be chained to that person through an injurious and toxic connection. Breaking free from these negative emotional chains makes way for new emotions and experiences that we are about to experience.

“People who do not forgive others for their small mistakes will never enjoy their great virtues.”

Khalil Gibran

Forgive the people you must forgive

Opinions differ on the concept of forgiveness and the concept of who to forgive or not to forgive . The first, and most widely held, opinion is that it is important to forgive in order for emotional wounds to heal and it highlights how good it is for physical and mental health.

The second view is different from the first. In some cases it is just as good for us not to forgive someone, otherwise it can be harmful to the forgiving person and even dangerous to some people in a vulnerable situation, as in the case of victims of abuse.

The third attitude is that every now and then there is no one we need to forgive. At some point we realize that the situations we sometimes get into are not somebody’s fault, but that this is simply life.

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In the opinion of Doctor Schlatter, forgiving is more profitable for the person who forgives than for the person who is being forgiven, and for that the person who has behaved wrongly does not necessarily have to regret it. Once we forgive our fellow human beings, it helps us to free ourselves from such a heavy burden as resentment, which leaves us feeling nothing but hostile feelings and hatred, which will work against us sooner or later.

“In life we ​​only learn to forgive when at some point we have really needed it to be forgiven something bad.”

Jacinto Benavente

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