Advances In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

New technologies are widely used in the health sector. Web apps and virtual reality are already being used in neuropsychological rehabilitation. In this article, you will learn more about the most common tools and the benefits of each.
Advances in neuropsychological rehabilitation

New technologies have changed people’s lives very much. In addition, they are also of great importance for the health sector, for example in neuropsychological rehabilitation.

New technologies have been developed in neuropsychology for years. This made it possible to manufacture new and precise measuring instruments that are inexpensive and easy to use. In contrast, these technologies are relatively new in the field of neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Advantages of new technologies in neuropsychological rehabilitation

New technologies in neuropsychology are giving users improved access to these technologies. For example, they are very helpful for patients who have difficulty moving. In addition, the computer-aided accompaniment and support enables more precise data to be obtained. As a result, the treatments can be better and more individually tailored to the patient.

The treatment of individual patients or groups is also made easier. This reduces the number of patients in public and private institutions. In addition, these new technologies allow therapists to treat multiple patients at the same time.

neuropsychological rehabilitation - therapist with elderly woman

Regardless of how advanced and modern these technologies are, they still need to be monitored by professionals. However, the evaluations and interventions by the devices are impartial and neutral. In addition, they follow the prescribed treatment procedures exactly and repeat the stimuli or exercises in exactly the same way every time. In addition, these new technologies make it easier to monitor the progress that patients are making.

In addition, the application of these new technologies appears to allow patients a less formal approach to medical treatment. While this may not seem obvious, these technologies will motivate the patient more than more traditional treatments. The patient gets the feeling that he is doing only a small activity, even though he is actually exercising and rehabilitating his skills.

What are the disadvantages?

While new technologies in neuropsychological rehabilitation offer many advantages, there are still some disadvantages. For example, it is not possible to obtain qualitative information at all times during the entire treatment period.

In addition, users need to know exactly how to use these technologies. It’s not just about knowing how to use them. Insufficient knowledge can also have a negative impact on the success of the treatment.

What new technologies are there?

With new technologies , cognitive treatments and specific rehabilitation measures can be carried out. In principle, these tools are suitable for all patients, although there are some that are designed for specific target groups (children, the elderly, the disabled, etc.).

Today there are two technologies that are used particularly frequently in neuropsychological rehabilitation: computer software and virtual reality.

neuropsychological rehabilitation - girl at the computer

Computer software

These include, among other things, computer-aided instruments for cognitive treatments. While there are currently a variety of options, not all are equally effective or valid.

One of the most popular platforms is NeuronUp. This internet platform offers various exercises for cognitive stimulation and rehabilitation. This platform combines exercises for basic cognitive functions, daily tasks and social skills. In addition, the exercises can be combined with traditional methods.

There is also a large number of software for cognitive training for older people. These include, for example, Mementia, Kwido or VITRA-EL. These programs enable healthy elderly people with cognitive impairments or dementia to train and improve their cognitive skills. For example, they play simple games specially designed for their needs.

There are also numerous apps that you can use to conduct and control the sessions remotely. One of them is, for example, CloudRehab. This is a free mobile app for people with brain damage or mobility problems who need neuropsychological rehabilitation. With CloudRehab, patients can do the same exercises at home and upload videos to the cloud. Experts can monitor and observe them without the patient having to leave the house.

neuropsychological rehabilitation - woman with VR glasses

Virtual Reality

In virtual reality, you can create a wide variety of environments, making evaluations and interventions more ecological and more general. In addition, this new technology allows you to determine where you train yourself. You can create cities, houses or a specific environment in which you can continue your neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Virtual reality is still an evolving technology in the field of rehabilitation. Nevertheless, there are already good results in patients with reduced mobility and the elderly.

An example of a virtual reality tool is VinCI, with which you can carry out biofeedback. This means that this tool records your progress and then adapts itself to your needs.

The future of neuropsychological rehabilitation

There is no doubt that these technologies are evolving rapidly. We can therefore continue to expect many new developments that can be used in neuropsychological rehabilitation in the future. There are already many technical possibilities that make it easier for affected people to access rehabilitation.

While the validity and effectiveness of some new technologies are still being tested, they definitely offer many advantages.

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