Are You Addicted To Chaos?

Are you addicted to chaos?

There are more people who are addicted to chaos than you might think. You always leave at least 15 minutes late and therefore never come to a meeting on time and always come to appointments rushed. You apologize and then blame the traffic.

At the end of each month they are depressed because they look at their bank statement and find again and again that they have overdrawn their account and now have a serious problem. You lose everything, find nothing, always mix up data or whatever. The mistake is their constant companion.

They’re also pretty show-offs. This is the kind of person who argues about anything. They yell at the shopkeeper because the price of the biscuits has gone up. You complain to the taxi driver because of course he drives too slowly, even if it is the traffic jam that makes it impossible for him to move forward.

“Chaos means freedom. Indeed, it is absolute freedom, but it has no meaning whatsoever. I, on the other hand, wish to be free to act so that what I do becomes meaningful. “

Audrey Niffenegger

Chaos addicts are incredibly messy. That person’s closet is a scene of sheer disorder, where an orange can lie next to a sweater and under a lot of messy folded clothes are probably the front door keys that their chaotic owner lost two months ago. When someone questions this disorder, they complain and start swearing. People who are so chaotic say that they have no time or an awful lot of problems and that order is something for people who have too much time. But what is really behind it?

The addiction to chaos and its physical origin

This addiction is defined as addiction to a substance, a feeling, something. In the case of an addiction to chaos, the addictive substance is in your own body and is called adrenaline. In fact, people who are addicted to chaos are actually addicted to adrenaline. Because of this, they seek and create situations in which this substance is released.


Chaos is defined as disorder, lack of coherence, poor organization or diversion. Whenever a person gets into this type of situation, he reacts defensively and his response is determined by anxiety or preparation for events or attacks. These reactions are accompanied by a series of chemical changes in the organism. The most important of these processes is the production of adrenaline and cortisol, also known as stress hormones.

Many people want to get rid of stress, but the addiction to chaos is a fatal attraction for those who fear it. They enjoy feeling this pressure and state of permanent defense.

The problem with this is that the production of this substance decreases in our body when the threatening situation occurs or even disappears. Therefore , only a depressive state remains, which the chaos-loving person can only overcome if he plunges into further problem situations, creates new conflicts or makes another mistake.

Put an end to the addiction to chaos

In general , any addiction masks a much deeper, unresolved conflict, which incessantly affects the person’s life. This compulsion to create new problems is nothing more than a strategy to draw attention to ever-changing issues – problems that each require immediate resolution.


Anxiety is an inaccurate type of fear, and it is because it fails to locate an object to target. In other words, the person concerned feels fear, has the feeling of being in a threatening situation, is afraid of what could happen, but he does not manage to determine what this danger is, not even where it is hiding or whether it even exists. He only feels it in the form of an invasive fear.

Causing chaotic situations is a method of subconsciously achieving two goals: on the one hand, isolating an object so that the anxiety can be directed against it, and on the other hand, allowing that anxiety to appear with full force to be felt and seemingly in shape to channel specific defensive actions. But since the real problem is still hidden, it is necessary to repeat it over and over until it finally becomes a lifestyle.

It is never easy to overcome an addiction, and so is the addiction to chaos. The most important thing is to find out what that hidden conflict is that drives you to create problems all the time. But to get there, we have to go a long way, sometimes through meditation or therapy.

In principle, it is advised to train your ability to be alone, calm and quiet with yourself so that the body stops resisting the lack of pressure. Thus the inner unrest also disappears. We also allow our consciousness to open up and allow old wounds to heal.


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