Don’t Let Criticism Stop You From Continuing To Dream

Don't let criticism stop you from continuing to dream

We humans are full of dreams of what we would like to achieve. But we also have a large number of fears that prevent us from achieving what we want. If we add criticism to the fears, it seems almost impossible to achieve what you set out to do.

But have you ever thought about the fact that all the people you admired also received criticism? Where would we be today if humanity were unable to do what it sets out to do? What’s the worst that could happen to you if you don’t take the criticism seriously? And what if constructive criticism helps you to see the most satisfactory path?

We all fell victim to criticism at one point or another. We can’t see them as bad because healthy criticism will help you get better. What’s not so good is criticism that demotivates you, keeps you from your plans, and makes you feel inferior. Have you seen this before? We all have to face this quite often. The important thing is to learn to recognize criticism for what it is and not to let it hold you back.


Take a deep breath

When criticism arises, we first go on the defensive. Nobody likes to hear that their idea is bad or that their dreams cannot be realized. But even if it’s not about stop dreaming, pause for a moment to analyze what you’ve been told. Take a deep breath before you answer.

Is the criticism supported by facts or objective arguments? Can you see alternatives to the path you are currently on? Is your dream realistic You will see that the criticism that comes from love and genuine interest will help you achieve your goals. On the other hand, do not worry about ill-intentioned and unfounded criticism.

Do they tell you about their experience?

If a person has tried to achieve their dreams but failed, then they feel compelled to offer criticism that demotivates you. No offense. She does this because she wants to avoid you suffering the same as her. Here you should not only listen to the criticism, but also take the time to analyze what you are doing. Good criticism can help you find a better way to achieve your dreams.

But you should also exercise caution. Some people don’t achieve their dreams because they don’t try hard enough. Then when they see someone doing what they would like to do, they try to sabotage it. These people are toxic and you are definitely not their only victim.

Accept that you are the center of your universe

I know people who can’t handle criticism. If you hear that something is wrong with your dreams, they immediately discard them. This is a big mistake! In order to fulfill your dreams, you should be convinced that you deserve them and that you are able to achieve them.


The whole world can tell you that something is unreal, but if you really believe that you are on the right track to achieve it then go for it. Even if you are not the center of the universe, you should still find the center of your universe. In the end, your dreams have as much power as you give them.

Find solutions

Let’s assume that your dream is really not feasible and that the criticism was justified. In this case, you shouldn’t give up. You just have to turn what you wish for in a new direction and find the form in which you can make it a reality. Sometimes dreams jump out of our hands and it is simply impossible to achieve them.

Do not worry. Stop for a moment to think about which alternative would make you just as happy, you are sure to find one. Did you want to be a professional ballet dancer but never practiced? This may make this impossible, but you can still take dance lessons and participate in competitions. There aren’t enough reasons to ever stop dreaming. Never do this! There is no worse life than going through your daily routine without a reason to stand up and fight.

Criticism depends on the point of view of the other

The last thing to remember is that criticism is something very personal. In reality, it has nothing to do with you, but with the vision and ideas of whoever is voicing it. In the same way, your dreams are very personal. Nobody else can understand what you are longing for because they arise from your experiences.

Images courtesy of Nicoletta Ceccoli

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