Don’t Look For Love, Let Love Find You

Don't look for love, let love find you

We shouldn’t run after someone who doesn’t even notice us and even avoid us. We should not run after someone who is running away from us, who knows our intention to meet him on an equal footing, and still blocks our way. That has to be over. We have to give ourselves a chance.

One should never beg for love and it goes there with a lack of interest. The time has come to think about yourself and start over. Start loving yourself and working on your dignity. And that according to the motto: I am no longer looking for love, I let love find me.

Love and affection speak a different language than egoism and indifference. Because love is honest, neutral, warm and mutual. Love only arises where there is mutual interest, we put down roots together and let the tree of love grow together.

Today I free myself from you. Today I forget my fears. Today I am starting to appreciate myself. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. From today I won’t wait for you anymore.

Woman looks out to sea

What does it mean for our self-confidence and emotional well-being when we ask and beg for love?

Asking for love and attention and looking for it leaves deep marks in our self-confidence and emotional well-being. The consequence of neglecting us is that we feel small, insignificant, and vulnerable.

In addition, there are feelings of frustration, incomprehension, and anger that we are not having the kind of relationship we would like to have with this person: one in which we are noticed and our interests are not undermined.

Our self-perception is completely destroyed by such a relationship. Feeling like this sometimes makes us feel as if we are unable to be true to ourselves.

Rebuilding what has taken away the indifference of others is a mammoth task. Putting the broken pieces back together takes pride, courage and a certain “healthy egoism” that is all about taking care of ourselves first.

“I knew someone once. That was me. I’ll give myself another chance. “

Elvira Sastre


Don’t look for love, allow love to find you

Go on a search for yourself and let love find you. Running after people who disregard you destroys you. Whoever loves you will find you, and whoever doesn’t is simply someone who shouldn’t be by your side.

Do you know the story of learning to fly? Now is the time to do that, extend your wings and resume flight. So take the reins of your life back in your hands and surround yourself with people who enchant your world, who do not exhaust you and suck you away with their selfish behavior.

We should realize that selfish hearts shape our path. So we should try to get rid of these stones that they put on our shoes.

We cannot and should not flee from the pain that has already been inflicted on us and the suffering we have felt because someone did not want us in their life and even took advantage of us.

Listen to your heart

In order to bring our self-confidence back into shape and to improve our self-perception with regard to our own values ​​and our individuality, we should first of all take care of ourselves again and give ourselves this opportunity so that other people in our lives can look to us again can take care of.

Once we break this vicious circle, it is no longer difficult for us to miss something that we never had but always wanted. We may well make it more difficult for ourselves than it is and fail to find out what makes us really happy.

But to part with everything that is not good for us always brings a breath of fresh air into our life, and that is good and necessary. Little by little we will discover what it means to only need ourselves to live. That we ourselves are the person we absolutely need in our life and that we are worth to have people around us who value us for who we are.

So if someone doesn’t even give you a minute of their life, but on the other hand fills your life with demands and breaks you with their indifference, it is time to say goodbye, move on and allow love to seek you, and if you do want it to find you too. It is now time to appreciate yourself.

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