Fall Asleep Without Thinking With These 6 Methods

Fall asleep mind-free with these 6 methods

Are you having trouble falling asleep? Are you having too many thoughts that keep you from falling asleep?

A healthy sleep is very important for our body and soul. As tired as we are, it is sometimes very difficult for us to fall asleep. If your head keeps you thinking about stressful situations or things that you still have to do, then it is almost impossible for you to be able to fall asleep thoughtlessly and find a good night’s sleep.

In order for you to sleep and rest, you need to clear your mind and spirit from these thoughts. In this article, you will now learn a few methods you can use to do that.

Imagine how your thoughts fly away

If your thoughts are robbing you of your sleep, try to imagine these thoughts leaving your head. Imagine that there is a large basket next to your bed in which you can pack all your restless thoughts. This jumble of thoughts is trapped in this basket until you free it yourself the next morning.



There are many benefits to meditation in general, and one of them is healthier sleep and a more thought-free mind. Meditating every day will help you detach yourself from your thoughts that are keeping you awake night after night.

When meditating, focus very consciously on your breathing to relax your body and mind. Through meditation, body and soul are perfectly prepared for the following sleep.

Make a resolution to continue your thoughts at another time

Sleep-robbing thoughts are like young children constantly demanding attention. It feels like they’re afraid of being forgotten or ignored. As often as you brood about this or that because you don’t see a way out – there are solutions to problems, worries, doubts.

If you have a thought bogging in your head, make a resolution to postpone it until the next day, not to forget it, and then to give it the attention you need. In the next point you will find out how much this will help you at the same time to actually put this project into practice.


Write down your thoughts

When we don’t allow our thoughts to be free to unfold, they nestle in our minds and do somersaults. You have to let your thoughts go so that your head is free again. One way to let our thoughts fly is to write down everything that preoccupies us spiritually.

Often we are concerned with very simple things that we can do and forget the next day. Sometimes these thoughts can also be linked to work, a new project idea or a lifestyle. These thoughts can also be a feeling that wants to come out. Often it is a painful feeling caused by something that happened to us.

No matter what this thought is about, you must not let it ruin your sleep. Write down your thoughts to get rid of them and then let them calm you to sleep.

Even if writing down your thoughts doesn’t solve your problems, you can use the time taken to calm yourself down and control your stress.

Some habits help before going to sleep

Some habits, such as reading, help us fall asleep. Reading clears our minds and we can relax. When reading a book in bed frequently before going to bed, our brain receives a signal telling it that sleep is imminent, which in turn helps us fall asleep more calmly and thoughtlessly.

However, if we use our brightly lit cell phones and tablets before going to sleep – even if we want to use them to read – then it is harder to fall asleep. Avoid using your cell phone right before you go to sleep.

Use mantras

The word “mantra” originally comes from Sanskrit and means “understanding and liberation”. A mantra can be a syllable, a word, a sentence or a long text that, when repeated, puts the person in a deep state of pure concentration.

Mantras can be very effective when they are consciously spoken and consciously absorbed by the mind. But repetition is not enough. The important thing about mantras is the absolute concentration on what is being said.

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