Farewell To A Toxic Mother: 5 Consequences

Sometimes relationships with parents cause suffering. Even if the decision is difficult, in some cases distance is necessary.
Farewell to a toxic mother: 5 consequences

The relationships between parents and children do not always correspond to the ideal. There is no such thing as a perfect life and there are no perfect families. We have to accept this, even if it is often difficult. Some parents shape their children with their painful behavior patterns, which can lead to drastic decisions. Today we are talking about the effects of saying goodbye to a toxic mother.

Farewell to a toxic mother

Mother is mother, so saying goodbye is difficult, even if the relationship is toxic. Today we mainly focus on the emotional and social consequences of this decision.

Saying goodbye to a toxic mother is difficult

Isolation and incomprehension

Separation from a toxic mother can initially be accompanied by feelings of isolation and incomprehension. This is because it is socially and culturally frowned upon  to distance yourself from the person who gave you life.

Over time, these feelings will change, but professional help is often needed.

Guilt and shame

Another immediate consequence of saying goodbye to a toxic mother is feelings of guilt and shame. This is “normal” to some extent, when it shouldn’t be. It is not easy to reject one’s mother, for whatever reason.

Feelings of guilt arise from insecurity and fear. You may think that you may regret this step, or you may be afraid of what others might think of you.

Farewell to a toxic mother: liberation

Fortunately, not all effects of breaking up with a toxic mother are negative. This step can be important in helping you live a peaceful and fulfilling life. In the long term you will find balance and peace of mind.

This decision can be liberating  because you leave behind your toxic relationship with your mother. You free yourself from suffering and fears. But first you have to learn to accept your new situation because it is a very complex and painful reality.

Farewell to a toxic mother: ambivalent feelings

Breaking up with a toxic mother is a complicated decision; therefore, it is normal for ambivalent feelings to arise in you once you meet them.

On the one hand you feel free, calm and satisfied, but on the other hand you are afraid that you made a mistake and that you are alone. You have doubts and that is perfectly normal. These ambivalent feelings are part of the grieving process. 


Such a complicated decision often leads to uncertainty and discomfort because you don’t know what is going to happen. It is imperative that you focus on the present moment and give yourself time.

Farewell to a toxic mother: 5 consequences

Farewell to a toxic mother: reflection

We have only described the main effects of parting with a toxic mother. But every reality is unique, so the experiences in this situation are also different. This decision shakes life in every way, so feelings of guilt, remorse, melancholy or sadness are quite normal.

Fortunately, those affected also experience positive and liberating feelings. Psychological assistance can amplify the benefits and help the person concerned better overcome the situation. After all, it is about freeing yourself from suffering and pain and taking control of your own life.

When faced with this difficult decision, you should realize  that it is not irrevocable. The farewell doesn’t have to be forever, it depends on the situation, the events and various other factors. In some cases contact can be re-established after a certain distance. In other cases, family therapy can be helpful. The best thing to do is to seek advice from a professional who can guide you through this difficult decision.

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