Forgetting Is Difficult For Those Who Have A Heart

Forgetting is difficult for the one who has a heart

If you put your heart and mind on a pair of scales, there will always be an imbalance when it comes to your memories because, despite the passage of time , some people have left their mark on our hearts and make it beat faster when you find a simple one Image of the past or a memory comes up or a word is whispered in your ear.

Your mind requires you to be rational, that you forget about this person who hurt and left you, but your heart doesn’t forget, it further reminds you of how you felt with that person, like the world in that moment every time it pumps blood around your body.

The Eternal Struggle: The Mind and the Heart

When we go through a breakup, the reality tells us that the person we love no longer loves us, no longer looks for us, does not call us, does not kiss us. The heart, however, in its eternal struggle of an incorrigible romantic, reminds us of the day we first kissed or made love under cover of darkness. This battle between reality and memory prevents us from forgetting.

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The more intense the memories are, the longer they keep coming back into your thoughts. There is a scientific explanation for this, because the hippocampus (with the task of remembering things like dates, places or faces) and the amygdala (responsible for emotional memory) are connected and your memories are now not just pictures, but also smells, touches, words, tastes.

The healing effect of time

As they say: time heals all wounds. This is because as the days, months and years go by, the old connections between the hippocampus and the amygdala are used less and less to store new data, new memories. That is, we let the people and their memories go for other people to come into our lives.

The end of a relationship is followed by a period of pain that can last anywhere from six months to a year, depending on how hard we try to get on with our lives and overcome disappointment.

3 pieces of advice to help you forget

It’s important not to get stuck in the past because life goes on waiting for us to enjoy it. Therefore we should give everything to forget. It is possible to forget, it just takes willpower and an idea for the future. You have a heart and it is difficult for you to forget. But it’s not impossible. Here are a few suggestions on how to forget:

Accept what happened

Sometimes we try with all our might to ask for or give a thousand explanations, but maybe these are not necessary at all. Not everything has an explanation and it is not necessary to go deeper into what happened and thereby harm ourselves. This is very difficult to assume because it takes a large dose of realism. Be strong and accept that people you like will leave.

Live your life and enjoy your feelings

It is possible that at the beginning of the grief phase you feel the need to cry, and you should do that too to let yourself out, to let out all the pain. But you should also make sure you get started to go out, go for walks, go to the movies, and hang out with other people.

Live your life again and ask yourself: What do I enjoy? Who am I having fun with? You will build new memories that will make you forget the old ones. Make a place in your heart for new emotions and experiences. Close the doors to let others open.

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Time is not everything

Time helps us forget, it is very certain that as time goes on the pain will subside until it goes away completely, but it is not just a matter of waiting, it is also a matter of acting. It doesn’t help to just stay home and wait days and weeks for the pain to go away.

Open your head and do this photography class that interests you so much, dare to ask this boy who is always smiling at you for his phone number, do sports, drink a gin and tonic, read your favorite book again or buy a new one. Do what you like – the main thing is that you live.

“The heart is the size of a closed fist and the shape of a pear with the stem down. The heart is the symbolic organ of love and follows the rhythm of emotions. It usually strikes sixty or seventy times a minute in an adult, and much more frequently in a person in love. Sometimes you can hit a hundred beats without even realizing it. The heart is the last thing that passes, it continues to beat when it is removed from the organism, even if the person you love leaves you or if you do not want to continue suffering, it is not you who decides. When you are in love, when the heart beats strongly for another person, then it is no longer you, but he who is in control. “

Manule d’amore

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