Forgiving You Also Helps Me And Makes Me Grow

Forgiving you also helps me and makes me grow

If there is one thing that gives me more comfort than anything else in the world, it is knowing that I am able to forgive, that I have tried and succeeded. Today I know that forgiving you helped me too, because it was the only way to find myself.

And having forgiven someone who hurt me is a sign of change. Or to put it another way: I managed to stop thinking of you with resentment so that I could think of myself and free myself.

“There is nothing better than finding yourself and forgiving another person, be it justified or not. Because when people do painful things, they usually do so because they couldn’t do better at that moment, they were afraid, or they were under external influences. So to forgive is something wonderful. “


Couple hugging at night

It’s about helping myself

To accept that someone has hurt us inside and to try to change that, it takes a great emotional shift. When we are at this stage, we feel abandoned by someone or something that once was, and it seems like we only have two options.

On the one hand, there is the easiest way to let time heal the wounds while believing that the other person can forgive because of you. On the other hand, there is the challenge of facing the pain and you practice forgiveness.

Over the years I have come to realize that only the second option is useful, because only in this way can forgiveness help us stop thinking about the pain, feeling it, and harboring resentments and what remains is just a scar.

“To forgive does not mean to forget, to give in, to justify or to be reconciled. Forgiving someone is a personal process without expecting anything in return from the other. It is an act that we do because of ourselves, so as not to remain in the past any longer. Forgiveness means moving on and not letting the negatives of the past affect our present. ”

Unknown author

Forgiving a person in time is an invitation to ourselves to love and help us. We save ourselves from the pain and help ourselves to overcome negative experiences in order to be able to grow – a way to a better person and to the appreciation of what we have.

Forgiving you makes me grow

Why do we grow when we forgive someone? Forgiveness is one of the bravest things we can do. I have never felt so mature as I did from the moment I learned to forgive myself for my greatest disappointments and when I understood that forgiving is as important as receiving forgiveness.

For this reason, there is no one more precious than someone who has forgiven without forgetting that asking for forgiveness is as difficult as forgiving another person. Leaving the pain aside to put the other’s positive side before his or her mistakes is very brave.

The ease after a forgiveness

For example, I like people who understand that their own prosperity has a price and that this price is often the forgiveness, forgetting and letting go that hurts so much.

I would like to know that my behavior is not always classified as good or bad and that I am allowed to be wrong.

Why is forgiveness necessary?

Sincerity is beneficial in all of our relationships, but especially when we communicate with ourselves.

Initially, when we forgive, we get none of it except that we are honest with ourselves. There are a number of benefits to forgiving that I would like to explain to you:

  • If we cannot forgive, it has an immediate effect on ourselves: We feel hatred, which ultimately harms us, even if it doesn’t seem like that to us.
  • Forgiving someone helps improve health: Studies show that forgiveness reduces stress and heart disease.
  • Forgiveness liberates and heals: people and times change and no one is perfect. The sooner we understand this, the sooner we can escape from deadlocked situations. In this sense, to forgive means understanding that we can all be wrong.

“To forgive does not mean to forget, but to remember without us suffering.”

Unknown author

Images courtesy of Johanna R. Wright, Corazonhadamadrina

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