Friendships Don’t Last Forever

Friendships arise in certain phases of our life. Since we are constantly changing, it makes sense that these relationships will eventually come to an end. Accepting that can be difficult.
Friendships don't last forever

Friendships are part of our lives ; they are born, grow, and end as we mature and change. When we learn to accept the different phases that relationships with other people go through in our life, we can enjoy them more intensely because we know that friendships can end for different reasons.

Take care of your friends, they are a precious treasure. You never know how long they will be with you on your way. The pain of loss or distance will be less if you know how to deal with it properly.

Friendship is not forever

We use the word “friends” almost every day, but most of the time it doesn’t reflect the depth of feelings that true friendship means. They accompany us on our life path, but we do not know how long. But regardless of this, friendships are enriching and essential.

Like a flower  , friendship takes time and care. It demands sincerity, common interests and empathy, as well as understanding and affection. Similarities such as life values, hobbies, political or religious attitudes, children of the same age, etc. promote the friendly relationship.

Friendships on your life path

In school, many find friends for life. But  over time, new friendships are formed that accompany us at certain stages of life. Many get to know best friends during their studies or at work. The more mature the person, the more sincere the relationship.

However, friendships also come to an end for various reasons. In this case it is important to keep the past times in good memory. Every friendship shapes your character.

Friendships arise when common values, projects, ideals or goals are present. It takes time for long conversations, work, or fun. When a phase of life comes to an end, friendship is often over. 

We change, mature, grow and adapt to new circumstances. And of course that also happens to our friends. At some point there are no more things in common and the paths separate.

Friendships don't last forever

Every friendship shapes you

Children have many friends and socialize in play, but they have to discover themselves first. Only at a later age do they become more choosy and apply different criteria. In the course of life we ​​make many new friends, and others are lost. Every experience shapes you on your way and changes you at the same time. You have different needs at every stage of your life, so your friendships change too.

In all phases , friendships leave important traces, some of which are so deep that we suffer when the relationship comes to an end. Often there are no obvious reasons for the end, but the ways separate and one day you think back: “I haven’t heard from this friendship for years.”

Maintain and enjoy your friendships, they are all important, no matter how long they accompany you on your way!

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